
Beauty and Anti-Aging Techniques

Blog Posted on June 19, 2011 : Black Heads and You  

I will do a skin purifying SPA at HOME once a week.

A) First, use antiage Flora Scrub to do a facial
Bryan's Antiage flora scrub, cleanse, polish, rejuvenate skin and improves circulation. A proper chemical free facial scrub once a week is the key to good skin so that it enable all wonderful skincare to be absorbed well by the skin.

B) Next, 1 drop of Rose Geranium oil and 1 drop of Lemon oil into a bowl of boiling water for facial steaming.
(Rose Geranium oil + Lemon oil == whitening, anti freckles and boost immune system). Rose Geranium is very good for body beside skin, balance your immunity

Face Steaming   Tea Tree Oil   White Clay   White Clay

C) Tea Tree to extract Black Heads
I will apply a bit of tea tree oil onto a cotton bud and dab on my nose area and area in my face that has black heads. I use this instrument from SASA shop, I just glide over black head without squeezing.... Dirt just came out so easily after doing a warm facial steaming. Thereafter, dab from tea tree cotton on the treated area.

D) A teaspoon of pearl powder white clay mixed with Lavendula Vera water to form a paste.
Apply onto the face and leave it on for 10mins. White Pearl Clay is suitable for sensitive skin. It helps to stimulate circulation to the skin, remove dead skin cells, remove debris from the pores while gently exfoliating and cleansing it. Thus, bringing a smooth healthy glow thereafter. It does not draw oil from the skin and can be used on dry skin types.

Wash off after 10mins. I like to apply 3 drops of Neroli facial oil on my skin. I love Neroli oil because its powerful and brings about a radiant glow.

Neroli Facial Oil is rejuvenating, organic cell regenerative- Neroli Facial Tonic Oil blends high frequency organic neroli essential oil . It smoothe fine wrinkle lines, give elasticity to the pores, suitable for all skin types, especially dry and sensitive. Neroli is known for it's emotionally uplifting and physically rejuvenating qualities.


Blog Posted on December 9, 2009: Nice SKin revealed  


Good morning! Just taken a picture of myself early morning. Need to be up early as I will be having a TV recording for variety program on healthy cooking, together with the host, Mark Lee in the next few days. I will be one of the judge. Hmm. Bryan ?? is not exactly photogenic on TV but its ok, I will just be myself. Give me your moral support ya :D

Seldom see me in specs right? Hahaha...I took this photo because I think my skin texture has further improve after performing certain procedures for 2 weeks. If you would also like to enjoy radiant skin, you can start the natural way to have beautiful skin.

I did not have the time to take a good look at myself in the mirror for almost 2 months. hhahahahaa..was very satisfied when I look into the mirror just now! Hahahaa..the results of using my products and breathing exercise daily :p

Skin Food: Not collagen or collagen powder but natural Quaker.
I have completed 1 month of daily eating of Quaker's cereal without sugar, and with added seeds of Goji. 3 tablespoons of Quaker cereal and 5 Goji seeds. Pour into a small bowl of boiling water. Add half teaspoon of honey. Mix well and eat. [Take in morning or anytime of the day]

Every morning perform either 5 Elements Qi Gong for 5 mins, or breathing exercise as taught during my class or shown in my blog( Click under the label of "Breathing exercise"). You can choose any one you like . It enables natural cell growth.

Benefits: Skin texture improves further.

7 days to achieve Bright Radiant Skin (It works so well when combine with the diet above)

Monday to Wednesday
A) Morning:
Antiage cleanser ---> Flora water ---> Antiage serum ---> Day Hydrator
B) Noon(office) A: Hydrate skin with few daps of Lavendula Vera Charcoal flora water
C) Evening A: Antiage cleanser ----> Flora water ---> SKin vita serum ----> Any collagen cream
D) On Wednesday (evening) A: Antiage scrub---> Flora water --> serum --- >any collagen cream
[Monday to Wednesday, you can also perform face and eye mask.]

E)Thursday : Green clay powder mask to detox skin. A teaspoon of green clay with some flora water mix and apply a thin layer onto whole face. Leave it on for 15 mins. Wash clean.
F) Friday (evening) : Facial Steaming with Rose Geranium oil and Grapefruit pink oil. Followed by face and eye mask.
Saturday: Skin very radiant and go party.

G) Sunday : Tired skin from over party - Damp your face with Lavendula Vera charcoal flora water. Apply 6 drops of Neroli facial oil (added Teaflower oil) and massage whole face. Cover face with a warm towel for 3 mins. Wipe off excess oil from face and go to sleep.


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