Look at the good healing Medicine Dzi and a good energy Dzi. It comes with a Medicine Buddha Card.
Its specially activated for activating healing energy from within.
S$ 188 (A very affordable reasonable and with proper procedure of activation.)
Isn't this a gorgeous piece? Well, it has a very good healing energy as well. Can you feel the healing energy emitting from it?
Clear quartz is a traditional healing crystal that is believed to be capable of drawing out pain while amplifying energy for healing.
I sensed that many people are feeling some kind of insecurity and discomfort at heart...well, I wouldn't say its depression or
pain but a feeling of neither here nor there...
I designed this bracelet to balance your aura to balance emotions that are chaotic, increase positive emotional energies
and motivations to take action.
Other mental healing properties of this bracelet crystal includes increasing intuition as well as insight, eliminating self
pity and helping to achieve ultimate potential.
This bracelet assist one to release negative energies and linked to the harmonization of our body energy center, especially
you place it on your tummy and do breathing exercise for 5mins.