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Flower Coin
Flower Coin

Flower Coin has many usages. If you are so confuse, don't think too much. Be happy, just carry it with you happily.


S$ 48 each

About Product:

Side A : The 5 main auspicious symbols which symbolised Strength and Harmony.
元宝 --- 钱财如意
蝙蝠 --- 福到眼前
祥鹿 --- 加官进禄
喜鹊 --- 喜事临门
寿桃 --- 福禄寿全

Side B: The five characters (Chang Min Shou Fu Gui) carved in the nice gold five petals means auspicious, longevity with prosperity.
长 --- 长久富贵
命 --- 命与天齐
守 --- 守财不漏
富 --- 富贵荣华
贵 --- 贵人扶持

Flower Coin has many usages. If you are so confuse, don't think too much. Be happy, just carry it with you happily. Whenever possible, take it out and do 636 breathing exercise 3 times with it and make a wish.

Direction of Use:
  • You may start using Flower coin now, carry with it or put on office desk. But you must sometimes hold and put near your chest and say 天官赐福百无禁忌 x 3 times.
  • When Luck is super down, put each of bean color (five color bean) in the bag with flowercoin, carry with you for 3 days, than throw the beans away.
  • 1st day of chinese new year and 2nd day of chinese new, hold flower coin and look at sky to make a wish.
  • When luck is not very good, can choose "Man ri" in chinese calender and make wish.
  • In office can rotate flower coin 3 times clockwise above name card and spray.



Special 5 beans method flower coin:
At any time, when you feel your luck is blocked or low. Put five color beans (1 each) in the bag with flower coin and carry for 3 days. You don't have to carry for 24 hours. Throw away the beans on the fourth day.

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