Beauty & Health with Bryan - PART ONE
Bryan's 招牌 Part ONE workshop. A must for new comer.
Attending this workshop will help newcomers to unlock the secret of this blog and gain further
understanding of future informations provided.
S$ 50

Upcoming class:
In this fun and relaxing workshop, you will learn:
- Art Of Aromatherapy DIY.
- Hands-on breathing exercises (Famous clap music therapy).
- Simple reflexology and acupressure to manage stress and pain.
- Beauty and health tips used by the China Royal Family dated as far back as 1000 years ago.
- Power of aromatherapy oil used in managing mental and physical stress.
- Discover the secrets in TCM on how to apply the yin/yang principles in making herbal tea.
- Balancing of your body’s needs and to cure common ailments.
- The right acupressure to relieve different common illness neck shoulder pain, back pain and headaches.
- Sinus, Hair Growth remedies.
- Butterfly Dance body movement .
- Facial Steaming method and beauty.
Upcoming class:
24th Nov 2013
10:00am - 12:00pm
National Library, Posibility Room
Email to :
Include your name and mobile number with class/workshop title as Subject.