In summary, the course contents for the workshop includes:
The Bodies, The human Aura, The Mind, Chakras, Use of Crystals in Diagnosing and Healing,
Color Therapy, Cleansing / Charging Crystals, Programming and Healing with Crystals, Properties and usages of
different crystals in relation to our aura.
Course material will be provided and practical demos are done in all workshops along with practice sessions of the clients.
S$ 128
(Free Chakra bag which has 7 stones for healing.)

Colors affect us in many ways. Did you know that lime green can cheer you up?
You may want to use turquoise ink to write with to enhance your creativity or you may want to wear red to feel
energized and take charge in a situation. Millions of studies have shown that colors can make us feel certain ways.
With colors, there are no rules.
- In this workshop, you will learn:
- How to interpret aura and its effect
- How aura interact and to block auric drained by others
- How clear and cleanse your surroundings ready for crystal therapy
- Understand the subtle bodies and feeling of each chakra
- Relationship between the chakras and crystals
- How to improve Ren Yuan
- How to identify the therapeutic value of crystal
- How to make crystal water for health
- Care and cleansing technique of your crystal healing kit
- How to program and activate your personal crystal
- How to attune to the crystals ready for healing
- Simple formation on crystal layout to heal our body naturally
Upcoming class:
3rd March 2012
9:30AM - 1.00PM
National Library NLB Possibility Room
To register:
Email to :
Include your name and mobile number with class/workshop title as Subject.