Sign | Health | General Luck Tea | Cotton Auric Oil Blend | Affirmations |
Aries: Is a year of Joy and creativity if u allow. Simple exercise or start to exercise will help u to repair quickly. Do not make empty promises.
Stretch before exercise prevent injury | Ginger with rose --- Tuna Sandwhich |
Rosemary Rosewood Lemon |
I treat myself with unconditional love |
Tauras: Is important to note that u want to have peace and harmony as ur greatest aim in 2017. And never let fear affect ur luck. If u have been eating well in 2016 congrats if not exercise some diet plan. Alot of changes . | See a TCM to improve health or get some organic powders foodcure add to ur diet (like wheatgrass powder) | Chamomile tea with peppermint ----- Rose apple |
Snow chamomile Peppermint Grapefruit |
I am aware of now and I love myself totally in the now |
Gemini: This will be challenging and a test for u but in a good way depends on how u think. If u have always been stuck in situation u should learn to resolve it. Mental stress is the key. Careful of ur spending and think before buying or investment. Ask 3 person for advise. | Go garden once a month u need to for grounding. Use healing trees oil. | Omhealth peony white tea befre 12pm ----- Potatoes |
Cedarwood Lavendula Eucalyptus |
There is solution to every problem and my body mind spirit are a healthy team |
Cancer: Alot of Q and A for u in many aspect of your life. U need to watch the health and emotion of ur love one like partners and parents.. To acheve stability u need to balance and good thing is help will come if u allow | Once a month make donation to charity like Hospital. And just donate dont think of what benefits | omhealth peony white tea before 12pm -------- Watercress soup |
Tangerine lavendula peppermint |
All my experiences are right to me |
Leo: Good energy and positivity shine
on u and u need to spread this goodness to people around u and be
helpful. Wealth luck is on ur side. Ur energy rise and fall sometimes
very fast so using oil and tea method is best to maintain
Choose a music / song u like try to listen when energy is low. Save this music in ur iphone or play the song from youtube | Gold Tea Omhealth with slice of ginger ------ ABC soup (if can cook urself once a month) --- spinach, broccoli |
Clary Sage, Lemon and Lavendula vera |
All my changes are easy to make |
Vigro : Now you need to rethink
of your ideas and decision that u have made in 2016 whether it is
correct. This is a year u need to rethink .Any relationship issues with
family and colleagues u must address it with peace. Do remember to eat well because when energy low u eat some nice food, ur luck come back and attract good energy. |
Put a star sticker in ur iphone. This will encourage positive energy | Red dates and ginger tea day time -------- dessert like green bean soup once a month helps |
Bergamot,lavendula vera and rosemary | I am totally adequate at all times |
Libra This is a year of inspiration. U have any ideas u need to pen down in a notebook so it will happen. Is so important to dedicate time for ur family and love one, At last ur energy came back and will suceed if u think before acct.
Having curry is good way to boost ur inert energy | Barley water with dash of omhealth ginger works wonder. ----------- Cucumber chicken soup works --- oats, apples, grapes, strawberries, raisins, |
Lavendulla vera peppermint PAF lime |
I dwell on positive thoughts |
Scorpio: Alot of things to think about. U are just trying to
handle up and down. U have alot of work to do but u will get it done.
Start talking to people u love and also be profesisional with ur work.
Physically and mentally will be challenge as everything u wll succeed
but need to work with both
Have saunce ketchup with food sometimes. |
Gold tea works ------ onions related soup helps |
canaga , lemon, rosemary | I release the past with ease and i trust the process of life. |
Saggittarius: U have the power to change what you want
this year and if your determination and zenness if you can, all will be
fine. U need to watch out for skin issues. Can be hectic la but every
year every one nowasday also hectic.
Beetroot apple juice | rose with omhealth ginger day time. Evening jasmine flower tea ++++++ Garlic related dishes. |
Clary sage, Lemon and Rosemary | All my relationships are enveloped in a circle of love |
Capricon: sometimes u can be too practical... do add some
creativity and roundness in ur life, dont be too square. U find this
year u are more concern with relationships. Take time to do
things u want to do and love. eat some figs is good for u |
Blue berries is very good for u. While u can also sometimes have ribena |
Red dates with Ginger and Gan Cao x1 tea _______ 擂茶饭 |
Peppermint,Bergamot and Lavendula | Every experience i have is perfect for my growth |
Aquarius: Well just a very good year for u if u allow and plant in this thought by acknowledging this is agood year . There will be alot of work for u to do.. Energy level may be abit low so think of ways to recharge by going foot reflex | Chicken soup once a week if can ________ Ginger and red dates morning is so important |
ban mian / or noodles related or ramen ++++++ Kaya Bread |
Tangerine, Eucalyptus and Cananga | I follow the path of right action. |
Pisces: Well being cool this year is the key. Cool at everything. Now there will be illusions that u may not succeed and u may fall to this trap. So be very confident u will success even the situations dont look promising. Also u are like to make alot friends | chamomile tea with dash of mint ____ sweet potatoe soups |
Papapya with dash of lime ____ Tian qi Flower tea |
Rose geranium rosemary and lemon | I am totally adequate at all times. |
For house cleansing Items KM YAN
Also remember sometimes the wet cloth put oil on top and use hand wipe floor at least twice a year. KM YAN SET is KM YAN + 5 element oil + Sandalwood Powder + Protection spray at $126 Toilet Cleansing ![]() we need rose geranium , Lemon JIF, Coconut Brush refer to the video |
Omhealth House Cleansing simple preparation Video Using a cloth wipe floor can bring in good energy to ur house and urself. Will explain more in the talk ![]() |
![]() KM SET $76: KM Yan, 5 element oil and Sandalwood Powder, And add Protection spray is $50 16th Dec Tiger NO21th Dec goat NO 28th Dec Tiger NO 6th Jan pig NO 18th jan pig NO 22nd Jan Rabbit NO How do you know when to clear your space beside above dates:? If there has been an argument or heavy discussion and you feel the mental and emotional effects. If you have been feeling a little out of sorts or not quite your happy self. |
House Cleansing Day (打扫除) Cleansing of house or office is a important way to clear the
negative debris of corners and area. This is to welcome good new
year energy. Please do not rush not rush and do not focus on time, focus on removing energy, do not think of anything but removing and inviting positive matters (think of your room glowing brighter and brighter like the sun). Some may not like KM yan, so u can just use sandalwood powder. For other religion: If u cant burn incense at home: Use 10 drops Purification Inspiration Blend and 5 drops 5 element oil in a pail of water and wipe the house. And than spray house every room with Protection Spray. It works better and faster when done in conjunction with FIRE, EARTH, WATER, METAL, WOOD with the famous KM Yan Set Full Space Clearing Set is $126 of 4 items.
Procedure: Before cleansing say out aloud " Today is house cleansing day, I am starting to cleanse the house now, all bad things please leave and good energy stays love and light: Om Mani Pade me Hung x 9 times all negativity emotions and energy dispersed and all good things continue to stay". Start cleansing the house. Open all windows and curtains to let fresh air and sunlight in. An easy way to clean a house or room energetically, opening windows and curtains allows cleansing solar and air prana to flood a room or house. A) Now put 5 drops 5 element oil at base of KM Yan or if dont want KM YAN use sandalwood powder alone. B) Light the KM Yan and put a teaspoon of sandalwood in the lighted kummoyan, than C) Chant “OM” too if can. This mantra disperses dirty energy. And walk around the house with this set. And finally place the set in center of living room till burn finish. D) Finally spray each corner with Protection Spray.
(include toilets)
E) Apply purification oil on palm and Clap hand 21 times center of living room. Toilet Cleansing Day (Famous Luck activator)
Salt cleansing once a
year only can be done after u KM yan your house. To have best effects.
For those whose health and personal family luck really kana upside down. Salt power with oil |
Anyday before CNY Use the brand beside cheap and power. A box can divide into two rooms ba. But I lazy, I cut open and put oil inside (ten spice oil, 5 element oil, PAF lime ). After 3rd day throw away whole box. Salt behind door bedroom method. ( u can any day before CNY, a bowl of salt, 5 drops above any oil on salt and put behind door for 3 nights. Absorb whole year of bad energy. When Salt mix with ten spice or any above oil: Salt comes later once your cleansing has been completed and the atmosphere feels better to you. (But if u not staying this house for next 1 week and going overseas, i think kaffir lime is good or 5 element oil ok) and leave in empty house during this period. But Take note again Kaffir lime is strong. And I mention for many years, dont use Kaffir lime in office as some colleagues may not like, Office use PAF lime ok. They love u. |
Open every window, door, closet, drawer and cupboard in your house and keep them open for an hour with 5 element oil a drop in tissue and throw inside Let the air blow through your space to remove all the stagnant and stale energy in your home.
Clean every surface of your home using 5 element oil 8 drops in pail of water.
Wash your windows and open your blinds to flood your house with light.
Perform KM Yan Smoke smudge and let the smoke all over your home and move from room to room burning the KM Yan, paying close attention to corners, where stagnant energy can accumulate.
Purify your air with living plants. Bring house plants into your home to help keep your inside air fresh and clean and add positive energy to your space.
Spray Space Clearing Protection Flora spray room to room for balance and Abundance and final cleansing.
Cleanse yourself. Have a magneto body scrub. Than Spray Tranquility above ur head and let the mist envelope u and say I am protected. Love and light.
![]() After all these years, we find that people affected by Taisui normally is stress out by emotion and health minor issues. But with care and preventive measures , many rise above all odds and infact has better luck than others. Just think of Tai Sui star is a Commander and he is like giving u task so u can promote to better level after the war. So dont be always frighten by Tai Sui interpretation by FSM and instil fear. Although ancient books will point out alot issues which may be true but with do and donts u are ok Anyway can pray to Tai Sui beginning of year . Omhealth has launched the Tian Lu Ruyi in 2014-2015. This can be a cure all for Tai Sui effect. A 5 D coin itself can be used too. Need to be new one for Tai Sui affected animal TianLu ruyi suits all for those who also no affect by Taisui but may be ur bazi affected, just have one. Rub the ruyi daily. Now is a bit tricky. Sometimes even ur animal sign not affected by Tai Sui but ur time and day born may be affected. Thats why certain month more challenging. And I dont call bad luck. When Tai Sui appear, is like a Strict teacher taking a CANE and push u further. Please la, ask urself, all are lazy now and wan more pay.... ahah how can. ![]() The 2017 Tai Sui is known as Ding You , Tai sui was born during the Tang Dynasty at An Xiang (安乡),Hubei. His name was Tang Jie (唐杰). And he loves martial arts and very skilful and strong. During the imperial exam he is a very powerfil leader in military. That time he was asked to stabalise the bandits at the South and he manage to behead 58 bandits and the leader. And he was awardd for his merit and vitrues So u can see that He is very "commanding decisive" . So this will be a year of Justice and if u are a bad person always bully people or "hai ren" u will face consequences. Good people like u all is ok. So those with the Tian Lu Ruyi, continue to use and touch it. U will enjoy the good fortune. Touch especially on the arrival day and say good positive things and send love to Universe ok. ![]() I go all the way to China Mountain to request all clients who have this to have a good 2016 and forever with this item. A dragon shaped smoke appear at incense when smudge. For those affected by Tai Sui U can carry the 5 dynasty coin activated by omhealth Bryan Lao Shi from 4th Feb 2017. Activated 5 Dynasty coin can help to reduce the effect of Tai Sui . Also all animal sign can carry the Ruyi Tian Lu super good. |
Date of Arrival of 2017 TaiSui 3rd Feb 2017, 2336Hours. Zodiac : Rooster Conflict with Rooster Clashes with Rabbit Incompatible with Dog Damaging with Rat Xing Tai Sui: Horse and Monkey Simple remedies is carry 5 D coin, and to enhance use cypress oil in cotton thrown in ur bag sometimes. The scent will reduce the adverse effect of the stars if it has. ![]() For those affected by Tai Sui, u can prepare above set to temple after 3rd Feb 2017 with 5 Orange and packet of sweet and tea and oil. And say ur name, address, date of birth and pray will do. Bring ur new 5D coin and go over the incense burner and carry. So carry a 5D coin is good. This coin cannot be reuse and not sharing. U can keep in bag. Those who buy now, just keep in drawer first. Commercially they always give a wrong concept that affected by Tai Sui will be bad luck. This is wrong. Tai Sui is God of the Year, his task can means push u abit especially mentally to achieve a higher level. Some may view as bad luck. But to me is challenge and results always promising. Double confirm. They say Tai Sui Cong Shang Lai. 冲上好运。 U only start praying to Tai Sui at temple after that day timing. Anyday earlier is praying to 2016 Tai Sui. Pray Tai Sui good because a good start of the year is equal to good luck le. FYI, no affected by Tai Sui, u can pray also with 5 Oranges and a packet of tea and sweet. WHat to DO when affected by Tai Sui? 1) Carry 5 D coin. 2) Do charity work or donations for medicine after donations look at sky or temple that month, say u will want to dedicate the merits of donations to Tai Sui of the year (look at sky, and when do donation no need tell people),. 3) Go Birthday Party or Wedding. Sometimes on the 15th of each lunar month, any animal sign can just go temple and put a packet of sweets at the Tai Sui Altar. And if u have your Tian Lu Ruyi, go over the incense yearly. year by year this tianlu ruyi will absorb alot good KI. And very useful. More will be explained in 2017 welcome talk. ![]() |
![]() Above was a magazine interview of Bryan Lao Shi 5 D coin, see famous le right. |
This 5 Dynasty coin by Bryan Omhealth is as good as those
$108 from Fengshui Master. Is only $38 and applies for many usages. Is a yearly need to change. U cant re use this 5D coin only the living room $1 coin and the rice urn can use every year. But I wanna say for those affected by Tai Sui, carry this is good enough. And sometimes when go temple, u go over incense 3 times. But this one cant re use. Is the one u need change and no sharing. We try our best to minimise spending yearly and keep it simple. 五帝钱有挡煞、防小人、避邪,旺财之功效。五帝钱摆放金库或收款机内,可增进财富.五帝钱安神明炉内;可辟邪兼旺家运、财运.女孩子可以用红线把关帝阁五帝钱穿起来挂在包包上,也可以随身挂带,用以避邪。 ( for rice one, change the red packet yearly can le, and the coin can reuse yearly) 化太岁方:每年的太岁方位皆不同。所谓“勿在太岁头上动土”。化太岁方的冲煞。 6、化开口煞:屋宅大门,直冲电梯、停车场、马路、向下、向上楼梯....等皆为开口煞。宜在进门处,吊挂一串,予以化解。 But I prefer behind door knob put 6 D hulu. |
Pagoda COil Incense ( Sandalwood and herbal ) Omhealth Coil incense of the year is the Sandalwood one and the Herbs one. This 2 when burn often can cleanse sickness star and bad energy star. Is also a good energy for Tai Sui star . ![]() Pagoda Coil Sandalwood Incense: Spirituality, healing, protection, astral projection to heal and protect, also for purification. Brings in Auspiciousness to house. $55 Herbal Coil incense: Activate the healing properties of surrounding and blessings and motivate one to health and luck and fight negative emotions ($55) 品香習靜 -- 心靜是一種境界一種智慧一種思考 Light my coil incense abit and let the incense envelopes u, and u can feel cool. Tai Sui energy effects dissolved and feel the support from Tai Sui. ![]() |
Agarwood/pagoda Coil Incense u can light weekly once a week to reduce the effect of Tai Sui at home. Well if Tai Sui visit ur location like sofa u are facing etc. U may get agitated easily. Tihis year Tai Sui Located h West of House. If u facing tai sui at W. Or sofa there facing W. Well..... not very ok de. Or bed. So W of house this year u can put a 5D coin. Also light an Pagoda Coil incense at living room. The incense will dissolve house bad Qi. Just a suggestion : For house fengshui we need to take care one. Just like u manage Qi Well, Qi manage your house luck. Personal Preference: Sandalwood Pagoda Coil incense light on 1st/15th lunar day of the month 初一十五 (or light every friday of the week) My this quality coil incense consider cheaper than the branded one but again is pricely i think but is the quality. We have send for testing. So I always teach people save money la. U can light twice a weekh . If u wan daily also can . Or twice a week. Normally Monday and Wednesday . Anyway is up to u. Above suggestion de. And I want to thank all who trusted omhealth for the incense. I ensure all tested done in Singapore and all results free from chemicals I am glad. This year 2017, if can light coil incense in living room once a week can move house stagnant energy and also envelop ur luck with positivity. And disperse negative energy. Use Herbal or Pagoda wish fufilling incense. |
Joss Paper DIY set Tai Sui What to Do?![]() How to pray 2017will explain in 2017 welcome talk. |
Fruits to eat for those affected by Tai Sui 2017 are 1) eat dried Mulberry fruit 2) Ginger tea + Gold tea dried only drink before 12pm 3) Chant Cundi Mantra 108times 3 times a week. Things can do once a month 1) Salt behind door (put cypress oil or those oil i mentioned in house cleansing) 2) 15th each month go temple, talk to Tai Sui with packet of sweets Normally u pray to the main God that governs Tai Sui and than pray to the year tai sui and than pray to ur own birth year Tai Sui. Will elaborate in talk. |
Bring 5 Oranges or Mandarin. A packet flowers (no white one inside) and pray. Than pray le bring flower back. Add 5 drops Purification Inspiration blend oil to the flowers and wait 10mins. This water is used after u shower as final rinse. After that dont rinse with water again. Flowers use plastic pick up or bloom. Do you know first day of CNY if can vegeterian even half day or till 6pm or whole day is good. Is so good beyond CNY 祈福吉日 28 Jan 2017 Rooster No 31st Jan 2017 Rat No 3rd Feb 2017 Rabbit No 4th Feb 2017 Dragon No 10th Feb 2017 Dog No 12th Feb 2017 Rat No Now all animal signs can enter temple. But if u want to hold special blessing ceremony, the book says u not suitable so choose another day. Awaken oil is very special and is really good to use when enter temple just like 5 element oil and cypress. But awaken like Ma jam , tell all Gods halooo .... ![]() I always feel when people go buy fruits pay to God, many like look for cheapest. u see u pray must show some faith ma. 3 orange $1 type and 1 orange $1 type, of course buy the $1 one orange and pray . ![]() saying this is not about god want ur orange but this demo our sincerity and not greed, keep asking and asking and never give. This orange pray le, can bring home eat. When offer things offer best. And is different by $3 . Think. |
![]() When I go temple QI FU. I will make an effort to buy good Oranges. And my wrist will dab essential oil like Awaken Blend. I tell u this blend is so powerful. Is like awaken all good energy. For those who pray to Tian Hou can bring ur rose otto hydrosol and pray . Request blessing too. Tha pray le, can bring rose otto home use. This very good for ren yuan To me any day you want to go temple and pray is fine. The special dates describe here are the special moment where energy will be at the tip top according to planetary arrangement in CNY so prayers will be great. They say good beginning , rest of the year will not be so hectic. NB: Pray to Tai Sui only starts after 3rd Feb 2017. And u can bring omhealth suggestion Joss set to temple. Practical Things to Do during Qi Fu CNY or even in general if u go temple 初一十五: After prayers at temple: 1)SMS to 1-3 friends or relatives who is very successful. This is to activate the energy of Aura to ur phone also. If cant find, just sms ur boss and manager la. 2) SMS to 1-3 friends who have a difficult year u know with positive encourage. This represent ur compassion heart and good energy will surround u for being loving and compassion. 3) Qi fu Day, try to drink red dates, ginger tea. Now u know why? Well let me explain to u. Ginger dried from high mountain clear the "Suayness" in body and red dates bring in good energy. Add some honey will bring luck. Normally i will brew this tea and put in water bottle. And when in temple i drink ahahha. 4) At home, hold in Jin Gang Quan, bend body downwards and keep shouting. This energy is powerful to rraise the earth energy up to body. And say thank you mother earth. When a person is more grounded and give thanks to the Earth. Luck starts to rise. We start to appreciate the earth and be grateful After temple prayer dont talk about ur own issue again. SOme people after prayers step out of temple, start to complain about life .... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Keep this energy. U want complaint tomorrow than do it. For those who have my items: Bring ur flower coin, BBC coin and Tianlu ruyi to temple over incense. |
Start Work Good Day 31st Jan 2017 rat no 3rd Feb 2017 Rabbit no 4th Feb 2017 Dragon no 8th Feb 2017 Monkey no 12th Feb 2017 Rat no 13th Feb 2017 OX no Ever since BBC coin was launched 3 years ago. It has become a very power coin to bring and rub for improving own's lack element and protection and day for open work luck Start Work Day: Bring your BBC coin this year and put at right side of ur Office table this year for a few days. Display out. Is good. Rub the BBC coin and say the following auspicious words. If u can choose the start work day u choose. If not when day u start work. U can say "开工大吉,四方贵人扶持,一切吉祥"
" 时来运好,财喜并至,五行生运,开工大吉,旺旺旺 " Items: Tranquility SPray , Purification Blend, Awaken blend Back |
![]() BBC $48, Tianlu ruyi $68, Cundi pendant $55, 6D hulu $48, 5d $38 first two items are the one use for start work day or business. BBC coin rub to say good things. Tian Lu ruyi put table for awhile to represent confident smooth at work and authority. Handling difficult people office If your colleagues or boss pass 1 year giving u problems hor. DOnt worry rub BBC coin and say say" Good Energy surround [That person name]" Om x 21. Tha rub the ruyi tian lu 21 times and say " Love and Light surround me , love and light surron [That person name]. |
Beside welcome 2017 8th Jan talk. 2 very powerful talk so u have a wealth and health year Niam Ni Gao Gao Good Luck talk (Super Bai Bai content) Date: 19th Feb 2017 Fees: $50
Venue: National LibrarySmall class of 80 All will receive a special blessed gift Time: 930am to 12pm Our yearly niam good luck talk 1) Joss paper DIY formation new version 2) How to handle difficult emotion with sweeping 3) Art therapy of Symbols (10 years anniversary by bryan) 4) How to work with TZI beads for good health 5) How to find out what numerology number u lack of and in details how to increase chance of success 6) Guided Music therapy breathing exercise for 1) Abundance 2) Health 3) NOW 7) Meditation 5 mins a day with bryan 8) Ah ma method clearing negativity 3) Health and Beauty with Bryan Lao Shi PART ONE Date : To be announce 2017 ( fees: $38 For all newbies u will love this class and for old friends u will too |
Healing wood of mindfulness | Cater many unhappy stars in Ancient astrology ( i am still spending
time to write the 12 animals because the prediction of those stars from
ancient books is like stereotype, if read by positive people will feel
negative. I think this shall be revamped. I feel the ancient forecast
of 12 animals sign focus on unlucky star and than people in business
will instil fear in u to buy 101 things, if dont buy u feel lousy after
consultations. For me, i keep it so simple, from temple to foodcure and
acupressure. At most ask u carry simple items and many are reusable
like flower coin, hulu, tianlu which many carry for years. So this year i have introduced u the 3 wood. Omhealth have introduced many collectiable items past 15 years and normally u will see in the market start to have the things we introduced in massive form. Quality of healing wood is amazing. ![]() Healing energy of wood from special Jungle (not road side one) When we design our house, we often focus on design and price and style. We dont always consider the material use and for example wood like Birchwood table or chairs or oak table etc when u use it or seat on it very grounded and can affect a person luck. Trees are cut down to make to furniture and it does contain energy. ![]() Omhealth have 3 healing wood, their origin can be from man places but only from certain jungle has high resin and healing energy. For chinese always everything go to them is wealth and prevent bad luck. But who willr eally explain actually wood represent deeper level of healing. Wood teaches us lesson selfless love, inspiration, and comfort ourself. Help us to healing our emotion And the strength of our will and overcome difficulties in life with wisdom and relates to our positive energy. But can wood do all these? Well wood create a healing aura that clear the fog so we can think better. This healing wood ward of negativity. Open the door to healing wood and feel great. Each wood omhealth spend time to activate and with care. Wood in market range at different price so is up to u ok:> Omhealth have three 1) Dragonblood wood Grade A $18 (King of wood to have the royal aura so do things smooth) 2) Ge Mu Ge $28 (it was said in History text " A person own a Ge mu ge no matter how small can deflect negative and harm from "the others") 3) Black Diamond $28 (market cost alot, this are very rare too) (may have bigger one u need to ask) NB: is not a charm or religious item but activated with omhealth care and love energy. Is a positive auric item. Put anywhere or carry with u at times when u Bazi or luck is low where u need extra boost. Sales: Put cashier House : u can put balcony side Water bottle can stick one for house use, drink when tired. feel it Personal: Put oil in wood rub let wood absorb and put at chest to do deep breathing. (the new oil DING will be great) Healing: Hold for 3 mins only and feel balance. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Back |
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at the FAN. We use electric gold color to it. Although it may
tarnish with time but it become this look. And very nice:>![]() |
Gridding the floor plan. Once you have a floor plan, you draw a 9 square grid is proportional to the floor plan. But if too troublesoon u can treat each room , bedroom or living room etc. U dont have to put everything shown here. U can selectively find which affect most.
Divide equally. If not just find out using compass which sector your rooms are.
For me in 2017 we take not of the Sickness Star, The Disaster star in the house or living room or bedroom. In FS some use the whole house. But for me i check for the house where star 2 and 5 located than handle it with 6D hulu. Than main door put a 6D hulu coin. But handling this major unlucky star we can than activate the goodluck star.
Flying Star fengshui details since the day it started back in many years ago.
.![]() Items we use for flystar remember u dont have to activate all the stars. Some place no people even seat or walk so just keep it clearn For me normally i will look at 2,5 than activate 2 of the good luck stars. are example. 3 Star: 5D coin, burn Coil incense 1 Star: 5D coin, Spray tranquility ,House Item (any year), bowl of $1 coin with 5d coin and marble 6 Star: 5 D coin , House item (any year) 2 Star: 6D coin hulu or with the HULU tian Lu with ten spice oil 4 Star: u can reuse the 9 level pagoda for this area or keep clean will do. 5 Star: 6D hulu 9 Star: 5D coin (or house item) 8 Star: House Item (any year), Tian Lu ruyi or BBC coin or wealthbowl 7 Star: 5 D coin Spray Tranquility Above doesnt mean ask u put all coins la. Just see which is more u want to put than put. Many has House items of mine past years. U can re use by wiping it with awaken blend to awaken the energy. And put. 6D hulu House Items ( Mystic Knot, The Elephant... , Tian Lu or ruyi tian lu) Tranquility Spray (use alot) Living room: Without looking direction a bowl of coin and marble with 5d coin will be good enough ![]() |
2017 Energy PatternOur house main door determines almost 435% of our house whether is in good energy or negative energy The front door is like the mouth of the house. This energy that the mouth inhale whether is good or bad affect the people who live in it. when the house's mouth eat in good Ki and expel negative Ki, this energy will help in financial , family relationship, health and family bonding Front Door you can use 3 methods to enhance Get a clean piece of cloth, put 8 drops cypress oil in a smal pail of water and clean ur front door. A) 6 Door hulu behind door knob (yearly change), simple yet effective to reduce the negativity from entering. B) A floor Matt outside main door and every friday put 5 drops 5 element oil C) A heng ball according to the chart below North facing door: (1 area of ba gua) North East facing door: (8 area of ba gua) East facing door: (3 area of ba gua) South East facing door: (4 area of ba gua) South facing door: (9 area of ba gua) South West facing door: (2 area of ba gua) West facing door: (7 area of ba gua) North West facing door: (7 area of ba gua) Door Facing floor matt fengshui is fun. Just put compass facing main door, see where it points. and choose the doormatt color. Doormat fengshui is very powerful because it serve as a first filter for ur house depend where ur house face. Simplest way is, take a compass stand infront of door see which direction it faces and put the door matt accordingly and put 6D hulu.There is a method is to once a week 5 drops of essential oil on floormat 1) All purpose 5 element oil for protection and small people disperse 2) Healing Trees oil if family people always not decisive 3) Dragonfly Aeonian oil if lack guirem 4) Bryan Relax Blend , if family health so so 5) cypress SPice oil, to bring and unlocked wealth. 6) Pomelo oil brings wealth to family. Door mat fengshui is powerful, as if main door facing u put right doormat and put right oil oncc a week. It can help to welcome good energy and disperse negative energy.this year I work on door sector floor matt rather than door facing. But if u dont know what color to put for front door. Just put a doormatt of brown with welcome word best. |
House Items: Omhealth all these years have House Items: And they can be reuse and use on auspicious Location like 1,6,8,9 House item A : Tian LU Laugh in luck House item B : Tian Lu Hulu Health improvements House item 2016 (POWER): Ruyi TainLu Fu Qi. ![]() |
![]() Above Tian Lu: Bring in wealth to u and remind u smile and be courageous. Hulu Tianlu is so important to reuse for 2017. Put ten spice oil on it, let it absorb and put on office table or beside bed to bring health energy. Tian Lu Ruyi Fu Qi. Is energised for long time and is very good to use it as an exercise for luck. It bring the energy of Planetary courageous and Energy to people who rub with thumb daily. ![]() |
Bad Luck Star ( I personally find that if u confuse, just big door knob behind put 6 d Coin Hulu)
Star | Properties | Items/ Color Cloth |
(NorthWest) (East) Sickness star |
![]() The 2 Black Ju Men Star visits the northwest section this year. Its element is earth. This 2 Black Star is beneficial for medicine, doctors, attorneys and women’s rights. 2 Black Star represents also illness,, gossip, and alot of misunderstanding. But dont everything blame on illness star, normally year end many people flu or cold because of diet and CNY celebration. And is ur own fault:> Period 8 . The northwest is the home of the 6 White Fortune Star, which is metal element. Earth and metal have a productive relationship. However, in 2017, a number of inauspicious stars are mixed together in the northwest section. If you stay in this sector , do watch your health. Also take note of old illnesses as may relapse or get sick easily 我要健康。 Health Care Care!!! This #2 negative Star brings illness, gossip, misunderstandings and loss to the center and its effect is strong. Without placing cures, particularly the Matriarch of the family can suffer |
Put 6D hulu at this location is a must. If not the brass hulu set or the tianlu hulu Do u know your coin like 1) BBC coin or 2) Bai Wu jin Ji coin can handle this star well. 3) Medicine Tian Lu Hulu useful. to carry is good. Optional: Burn Medicine Herbs coil incense. ++++++++++++++++++ Personal:Bracelet Black tourmaline bracelet wear one is important Maindoor at NW: Green Floor Matt Heng Ball: Green Heng ball door gate Aroma Oil to wipe: 5 element oil and Ten spice oil (u can drip few drops to the wooden tianlu hulu) |
3 (W) | The 3 Jade Star is west sector of house or living room. The element of this number 3 star is wood. In 2017, the Wen Chang Literary Star is also in the west. This is very good for people to have expansion promotion at work or people in media related work However this number 3 star is a star of robbery, arguments, misunderstandings, and gossip. The west is the home of the 7 Red star, which is metal element. Wood and metal is not harmonious. There are few good luck star here the Golden Cabinet; but other inauspicious stars including Tian Ku and Sui Xing are together here. So West have a mix of good and bad Possible of good luck and bad luck of legal issues and problems and law suit and conflicts Spraying Protection Spray this year 2017 at WEST of house can help expansion in business, promotion and also speakers (like me ahahha) So if this area is a corner , just ignore. But alot gossip, quickly clean up this area , spray protection spray and put 5 D coin So if alot conflicts quickly use If suddenly I find got alot alot gossips or unfairness, you can light Purification Inspiration Oil blend on cotton and put on a bowl put at W of house. With the #3 Star landing W, fights, litigations, law suits and big misunderstandings can easily occur. Spray Protection Spray W of house. Office put Tranquility spray if u work in hostile environment and spray above ur head and let the mist envelope u daily. Bright lights and all things red (fire color to burn wood 3) help ward off the trouble element is wood. So aromatherapy burner is powerful If this year u feel many Xiao ren and Shi fei. Boil dried ginger and add honey. |
A 5D coin is the best remedies to put. Also Gui ren bag is powerful too. U can choose either one. When 2017 Shifei star is strong, carry ur Gui ren bag will be great. Once u carry, although u meet Shi Fei but u can resolve it. Remember no one can escape from shifei attack but with our positive thinking aura , it can be dissolved. Remedies: 5D Coin Maindoor Sector West floor matt: YellowHeng Ball: Yellow Aroma Oil to wipe: Purification Blend
(SOUTH) Fearsome Fatal Scary Star combine with 年煞 this 2017 |
This BIG diaster star 5 falls in the south. This unlucky star is called 5 killings and bad unlucky according to ancient and if u feel ur prjects has alot delays, obstacles, fire, lawsuits, sickness, We quick;y go see SOUTH of house is it got dirty or not clean or something spoilt put there, the diaster star is earth element. South its orignial state is HOME Of fire element and we know fire grows earth so maing SOUTH diaster star strong. Furthermore, Nian Sha is in the south. If the bedroom or entrance falls in this section, the potential to develop sickness and books says tumors can exist if no remedy is applied. It is advisable to avoid spending a lot of time in this area. In the south section, ground digging especially should be avoided to prevent the occurrence of misfortune. Set back Damage Obstacles: This year if ur sofa or bedroom at South, is more prone to alot of problems. But aiya scare what? just chant more mantra, and also if is sofa, put a heng ball of blue color if u want. The #5 Misfortune Star is a particularly dangerous star of the Flying Star Feng Shui as it brings tragedies, mishaps and bad luck. Sudden business lost and health family break down. Spray protection spray around this area is simplest. 2017 it comes with Year beaker so can be quite problematic. But if is an area no sofa or not bedroom, just ignore. Put something metal gold here is good also. |
coin hulu and even House Item Tian Lu B is so powerful. If ur door knob
put 6D hulu, this star is more or less weaken le. And if can
South of house put House item B. If maindoor face SOUTH , put a grey door matt. 6D hulu behind door knob is good. ![]() u see i use blink blink metal to put here also Remedies: 6D Hulu Maindoor sector South Floormatt: White Heng Ball: Clear Heng Ball Aroma Oil: Ding Oil on floor matt |
破军星Misfortune Star (SW) |
The破君星located at SW in 2017. This is a metal element star and flies to the earth element 2 black star. And we know earth and metal is productive relation, so although is a bad luck star but also means females , doctors , sales people may be more successful and be working hard u will see good results. But this year the unlucky stars Sickness Charm and Dead spirit star also falls in SW and can make people who spend time SW of house easily fall sick and no apparent reason angry. So if happen that month has trouble maker in ur life, look for SW spray the protection spray and put 5 d coin. With hard work, substantial rewards can be expected. However, the yearly inauspicious stars Bing Fu and Death Spirit fall in the southwest; they can make people staying in this section easily fall ill for no apparent reason. Using Metal decoration and 5 D coin best South West This is a star we need to be careful as it can be a damaging star, best remedies to this star is blue water related item.... Of course is tranquility spray la cheapest and most effective in town. This star cause robbery and losses, is a trouble star. Trouble maker alot ma this year, well check SW sector of house is it messy . Clean up and put 5 D coin and spray Protection Spray healing spray. |
This can bring roller coaster emotions and, by extension, cause disputes, violence. People who spend alot of time at this sector will regular disagreements and quarrels. Keep in mind that if your front door is located here, you might be more susceptible to theft and loss. Moreover, the star 7 can mean unhealthy competition and rivalry in your career. ( a bai wu jin ji coin carry or office table fight this 7) That is why 6d hulu once for all main door important. If SW is ur bedroom or sofa area put a 5 D coin and use protection spray around this area here will be good. If is a window here (keep close or 5 dynasty coin or door here . And best oil to use is Awakening oil once a week.Dont be surprise if u can put either BBC coin, flower coin, Or Bai Wu JinJi coin here too. Or carry this coin prevent 7 star affecting u Remedies: 5D coin Maindoor sector SW Floor Matt: Blue Aroma oil:.Fresh Morning Oil wipe or on floor matt Heng ball: Blue
Good Luck Star: 1, 6 , 8[ For Kitchen remember inside the rice URN I ask u all put 5 D coin (u all must change red packet and use back same coin). 5 D coin in rice urn and keep putting for 3 years the coin will become power:>]
Every year there are few good luck star like 1,6,8 and 4. So they will fly to different sector in your house. Many FS book just talk about how good the star is and ask you buy expensive LIU LI ($300 to $800) to activate. Dear ah, no need de. Sometimes simple remedies is best. And alot of times, a good luck star can be not so good if they fly to the different element . Also sometimes they may accompany by bad luck star. My 5D, 6D, Spray are simplest and follow ancient time activation is easiest.
Actually no need to activate all because not all houses can find all these sectors. But u find this sector got place to hang things or put things. Try to do it; U will see good result.
This year we re show the 2012 power items limited
1) Liuli Elephant
2) Liuli Mystic knot
3) Double 2 hulu
4) 3 legged frog with ingots
Things to use can be
1) Wealthbowl, House Items A and B, Fu Ruyi Tian Lu, Heng ball or incense coil burn twice a week.
Liu Lu Money Bag is ready>> 10 Jan 2017
Star | Properties | Items/Color Cloth |
1 (center) water element, incharge of travel,marriage, ren yuan and love luck in a way 偏财位
For 2017 this lucky star visit center of house or living roomThis is a good luck star that benefits people in media, sales m transportation and fashion. However this water element star flies to to home of earth element 8 star. So earth and water is not in harmony meaning the peacefullness of the world will be affected and economic crisis quite obvious too. So when travel please take note of safet very important. Travel Safety coin is avaliable . Weather will be very extremem conditons so many people will get heat related sickness easily and weakness in body. SO start by taking care of your health Because of this, omhealth will be organising a health talk with a doctor on 2nd April 2017 at National Library to clear this energy. DO come. This star visits center in 2017. This star brings wealth, romance, and good negotiation luck. Symbol for this star amplification can be the level 9 pagoda with Wen Cang pen. ALso 1 White Star is water in nature using a 5d coin lock the wealth and amplify the luck. Sector is good for people in business, acdemic achievements, loan officers, bankers, public relation, water related business, casinos and clubs. |
For those who have the double brass hulu. U can put at living room very good , not only lock wealth can help to prevent issues This set is $55, can even put beside bed. details : ![]() So as mentioned center of house u can put the 5D coin in a bowl of $1 coinx 8 and if have marble u can add marble. |
4 (NE) |
The 4 Green Wen Qu Literary Star falls in the northeast this
year. The 4 Green Star represents creative pursuits, academic
achievement, and Peach Blossom. Its element is wood. The northeast belongs to the 8 White Zuo Fu Money Star which brings fame and wealth. Its element is earth. Earth and wood have a domination relationship. The inauspicious stars, Small Consuming and Robbery Disaster, are in this section. It is quite similar to the east section. This makes the northeast section not beneficial for actors, literature, scholars, writers, students, youth, and pregnant women. There is also the potential of bone pain or injury to the four limbs. Moreover, miscarriage is easily triggered in pregnant women and it is also not beneficial for young people. |
To reduce the potential negative effects mentioned above in
northeast section, use the fire element as a remedy to change the
poison into medicine. A possible fire remedy can be a red light Agarwood coil incense red heng ball elephant liuli or mystic knot Floor Matt main door sector NE: Red or purple pattern in it Heng ball: Purple Heng ball Aroma Oil: Love Miracle blend |
6 ( North) Star from Heaven money and authority 横财位/贵人位
The 6 White Wu Qu Fortune Star is in the north this year. It represent secure job , wealth and authority This is a metal star and flies to the home of 1 white star which is water. YEAHHHH Now we have a productive relation as, water and metal happy together. And is accompany by 太阴, 天禧 So this year we must work with NORTH of the house as it is the most lucky sector in 2017. U can put omhealth famous wealth bowl here.( which i make 18 a year). Now if u can look for North sector of your house. Use the new DING oil and do breathing exercise once a week , it allow ur body absorb GOOD KI Also those stay in north sector of Singapore good luck. For us not staying in North, once a blue moon go AMK hub shopping can bring in good energy. Secure Career Success represent wealth, power and authority. This star is metal element in nature. U tired of career and want career changes u can try activate this star. U can put some water growing plant here. Try not to put big big red decor here ok. Yellow Heng ball La:> ![]() |
Remedies: Brass 3 leg frog (if star 8 put than no need put here, choose either one) or 5 D coin Main door sector North :Floor matt: Coffee color Aroma Oil: 5 element oil Heng Ball : Yellow Tranquility Spray, 5D coin as it grow wealth and money. Do u know 5 D coin from omhealth is very useful, put good area, amplify good star, put bad area reduce the bad star. |
8 (EAST) Wealth Star Earth
star is earth element a
YOUR WEALTH BOWL!!! And putting a bottle of Protection spray is good here. This star help u have a prosperous household and good filial kids.This EAST for 2017 transform evil energy to good energy and help everyone in family. And activate to encourage bad people around u to be good people. Liu Li Elephant those who have can reuse and put here. This liuli elephant was from omhealth many years ago and now we have 20 set avaliable. ![]() This 3 legged frog set Putting 3 legged frog with a pool of wealth ingot is good if u can or convenient. U can put the 3 legged frog set at East side and facing inside the house. U can put a Clear heng ball this area sector to activate if no table or no nothing to put wealth things. a 3M hook ba. Work with this sector of house to do breathing exercise and any oil use for breathing. |
to put (no need all, just u choose urself), if ur house can find South and is with table, dont waste it:>
1) WealthBowl or BBC coin !! BBC coin (reuse) will activate this star. WealthBowl: (18 made a year.) Optional (Once a while) Remedies: Simple: 5 D coin 1) Wealthbowl or an Liuli house item from omhealth (latest the Money bag) or 3 leg frog (very power) Main door sector Floormatt: Orange or have red in it Heng Ball : Red Aroma oil: Awakening blend Mini Questions: Questions: |
9 (SE) fire element Star future Wealth Purple star
The 9 Purple You Bi Celebration Star is in the southeast section this year. This 9 Purple Star represents wealth, fame, romance, and celebration. The element of the 9 Purple Star is fire. The southeast section is the home of the 4 Green Wen Qu Literary Star, which is wood element. So wood and fire is in productive relationship and create harmony energy Is a good location t o activate for studies and excel in business of fire related. But i suggest everyone to activate number 9 star as it can bring alot of wealth abundance (not necessary in $$$ but joy and future luck) Wood feeds the fire element. This combination brings renown. It is also good for students passing tests, literature, scholars, writers, actors, students, merchants, and fire-related industries; people involved with these should make more use of this area. But take note: The secret is to see 白虎,天煞,地煞 falls in the sector. So to activate thisa area a 5D coin is needed and combine with any good luck items |
is a good area if you want to start something new or a new career in
future, because the energies present in this sector favour new
great future and new beginnings. The Southeast is therefore an ideal area to use to improve your income, especially if you just happen to occupy a new position. Remedies: Put a 5 D coin to block the few bad luck star here. or any omhealth luck Liuli Main door sector SE Floor Matt : Blue or grey Heng Ball: Blue or white Aroma Oil: Peppermint and Lavendula |
Animal | Pray (once for all, Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi have all god, so u can just go there pray pray during CNY good enough .) | Guardian Angel (write with a pen on a red or yellow namecard put in pocket la) Forever |
老鼠:you have Fu De 星 | 二月初二 拜土地公 Yellow bag inside put five color bean |
千手千眼观世音菩萨 |
OX: 白虎 more prone to minor accident. so to prevent accident u can go TCM doctor during CNY period go TCM doctor mini 中医放血 (super safe and good luck) |
拜太岁, 送五鬼 can pray Ji Gong Yellow bag put 5 color beans. 逢凶化吉 |
虚空藏菩萨 |
Rabbit so far being say until very jia lat by many FSM. Fret not let me tell u how to have good luck. 小人害你,官非,烦恼多。 |
太岁祈福,祭天狗 can pray Tian Hou Niang Niang Empty NEW Red Packet Rabbit 1) 7 red bean 2) 7 Green bean 3) pinch Omhealth Salt 4) 艾草 a pinch (put cypress oil) 5) Singapore $10 note and a two $1 coin. 6) Put a 5 D coin inside. Throughout year carry this red packet 艾草:dried one have in medical hall. Or u buy this Ai tiao , take out some from it. |
文殊菩萨 |
Tiger:龙德星 good luck to u. |
拜太阳太阴菩萨 | 虚空藏菩萨 |
Dragon: 死符星 (doesnt mean u will die, means more easy sick and also never do guarantor sure jia lat) How to handle this star? U must go exercise or garden walk, once u exercise or garden walk this star cant make it. And use healing trees oil apply bottome feet. |
拜太阳太阴菩萨祈福 | 普贤菩萨 |
Snake:five ghost energy Small people alot and also the five ghost energy cause alot trouble issues. |
太岁祈福,祭白虎, 送五鬼 (Toa Payoh Shuan Lin Shi can go there pray) Go temple burn the 贵人josspaper. Last finger wear last ring optional. |
普贤菩萨 |
Horse: More for female good luck. For male careful of 美人计。 Also when people quarrel dont be KPO and walk away. |
太阳太阴祈福 can pray Qi Tian Da Sheng |
大势至菩萨 |
Goat: 丧门 (dont be mistaken not about death) means if go funeral Not much issue。 wear 5 eleement oil in cotton and carry yellow bag. |
太岁祈福,祭天狗, 送五鬼 | 大日如来 |
Monkey:太阳 Very good la. But u must go give thanks.... Give thanks people who help u in 2016..... is a must. Like ur wife, husband or family. If u learn to give thanks people who help u or advice u , in 2017 u have good luck |
太岁祈福,紫微大帝 must have a Tian Lu Hulu or tian lu related items |
大日如来 |
Rooster: 太岁当头 more on taisui on the spot so more stressful please carry the Bai Wu Jin Ji and 5 d coin. use five element oil |
太岁祈福,祭白虎,送五鬼 | 不动明王 |
Dog: 病符星 more like feeling lost and 慌神。suddenly blur blur like that cross road double see before cross. so using essential oil of rosemary and lemon in cotton carry with u is good. |
太岁,紫微祈福。 | 阿弥陀佛 |
Pig:天狗煞 ownself blur end up minor accident. But if can u 孝顺elderly, this energy wont affect u, If u affected by Tian Gou sha, do charity also. Also keep checking and extra care parents too. |
太岁祈福,祭白虎,天狗。 | 阿弥陀佛 |