Bryan's Famous Wealth Bowl since 1991: 18 bowl made a year only.
Wealthbowl is ready for order for 2018. .
Important that wealthbowl must DIY put together. All items activated. This wealthbowl is simple yet energised.
NEW: Gold powder is activated with power elements, u can sprinkle abit, this is only for Bryan's wealthbowl or TianLu Bowl.
Wealthbowl can be cleansed once a year or twice a year: By spraying Protection spray and also rub the items with 5 element oil. Keep it simple. If that day feel not very good , dont cleanse or assemble it. Shower with 5 element oil.
Cleansing Date (for old customers):
U can take crystals out and use damp cloth and put 5 element oil and compress it.
Wishfulling Dates (all customers): To make wish in front of wealthbowl(good for wealth and health)
Choose a Man Ri 满日 from calender.
Simplest way to put wealthbowl:
Living room look for a nice place, put the bowl, 3 coin in it follow by crystals (dont care which color first), than all items above the crystals.
Rejoice. But before putting, light some sandalwood powder given on a saucer.
Put the wealthbowl on any day before 3pm, when there is no rain. This is no need select date method. But when angry not happy dont set up the wealthbowl.
Bryan's WealthBowl non-paid
report from the NEWS, the year when launched brings alot alot alot of
NEWS. And this year 2013: the Number 1,6,8 Star visits will bring this bowl to
new heights..... ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
All bowl at $380 Your wealthbowl represents your intention: Remember your results are a reflection of your efforts; Take time slowly to assemble this wealthbowl. It attracts wealth from 10 directions into your home or workplace. U can choose monthly 满日to make wishes:>
Above are all not paid advertisement. They are real cases
and interviewed by Papers.
BRYAN's WEALTH BOWL(聚宝盆)Wealth Bowl (聚宝盆), when placed at living room or business area creates prosperity and wealth abundance as well as protecting one from lost of existing wealth.
DIFFERENT OPTIONS FOR WEALTH BOWL PLACEMENT LOCATIONS/DIRECTIONS (If dont know which directions, just put at living room will do) U can put anywhere in living room or ur fix Cai Wei, or flying star number 1,6,8 and 9. No pan dan.U can check where are this directions for 2018 1. Southeast corner (known as wealth corner or 财位)of the living room or the office to activate and enhance one's luck. (SE is fix one la) 2. Facing the entrance of the house to invite wealth and luck into one's house at 'Qi' (气)entry points. 3 . In shops to increase business opportunities and be successful in one's business. 4. Northwest sector to activate one's luck for financial support and opportunities. 5. Water and Mountain Star #8 locations or at your personal 'Sheng Qi' direction 6. A must for business. As it motivates the prosperity aura in our surroundings. |
DO NOT place the wealth bowl at the following areas.
This Wealth Bowl is special because it is designed to include all the auspicious items to be placed in the Wealth Bowl. Every items activated with Zu sa.
Effectiveness of Bryan's Wealth Bowl increases when:
1. one stays positive at all times.
The law of attraction is based on believing in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals and targets. Thoughts become things. Things become reality.
2. one should not have expectations on the best to happen
Expecting the best to happen after the Wealth Bowl placement increase the level of stress and in doing so, blocks one's good flow of 'Qi' (positive energy).
One must learn how to release such stress and in doing so, improve one's overall luck.
Methods of Releasing Stress
1. The auspicious date and time will be provided by Bryan for the placement of the Wealth Bowl.
2. Determine your locations anywhere in living room except toilet and kitchen, following needs to be done.
a. Wipe the table you going to put the wealthbowl with a piece of wet cloth (with 4 drops 5 element oil)
b. Light the incense powder provided with ur own saucer. Smudge the area and say the following positive words:
"Positive energy appears now, positive energy appears now, positive energy appears now. May there be peace, harmony, abundance and good luck appear from 10 directions here and now. And spread love and light to my family, relatives, friends and the universe."
4. Next, place the Wealth Bowl at the decided location before 12pm.
5. In the bowl, place the 6 gold coins followed by the Green Peridot or the Red Garnet stones. The activated auspicious items, i.e. the Jade and the Dzi, shall be placed at the top thereafter. (no need say put which one first).
6. One should say the positive words (as suggested above) when placing the items mentioned under Point 5.
7. Please REFRAIN from placing the Wealth Bowl if one is moody on the day.
8. The stones in the Wealth Bowl may overflow. This indicates the OVERFLOW of one's wealth! Just keep these stones in a small bag. You may carry this small bag of 'powerful' stones with you or place it together with the Gui Ren Bag (贵人袋).
9. Clap your hands for 8 times and SMILE!
Good Luck Mission Completed!
1. Clean the items in the Wealth Bowl once every six months (Date for cleansing will be ur calender any Chu ri). To clean the stones, use a piece of wet tissue and add a few drops of 5 element oil. Wipe ( spill out out on a piece of tissue paper and compress with damp cloth also ok, this time the crystal will mix around is super good no need seperate the colors..
2. A few days before reaching full moon, stand in front of the Wealth Bowl or hold the Wealth Bowl with both hands to make a wish. Thereafter, repeat 'Love and Light' for 3 times.
3) Light omhealth High Mountain Incense near the wealth bowl once a blue moon super good.