Welcome 2018 Year of Dog  ( List of Articles for 2018 to be updated once a week)

Hi all I have spend alot of time to update this website, do make an effort to read and I one person update until so clear yearly from what floor matt etc. in flying star segment.

1) U can start put items from 4th Feb 2018 any day as long as is before 3pm and not raining.
2) If the area say few items, choose one can le for flying star.
3) Last year those who have a yellow pouch with incense inside, u can choose to burn the incense and put in new incense powder from omhealth.

Topics for 2018 to be updated daily

Fu Zai Yan Qian is launched and 1st Jan will be updated the usages. Avaliable at shopping cart.

1) Cleansing
2) Flying Star
3) 12 Animal Sign
4) LapChun Early 2018
5) Quick remedies for direct wealth Part ONE
6) Start WOrk Day (to be continued)
7) 文昌and官位 (career and Study advancement wisdom sector)
8) Fu Zai Yan Qian ( Article will be avaliable on 1st Jan 2018, but u can order now from shopping cart)

For 15 years omhealth has written articles for magazine on 12 animal signs and conducted more than 15 years of welcome workshop. And everyyear I have this popular website to guide and to share.
2017: http://omhealth.com/Luckcome2017.html

I am preparing now for my 600 pax event and this is a yearly event of Fengshui talk in a modern way:> For newbies, omhealth blog has

1) www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com
2) Religious content www.omhealth.com/kwanyinma.htm
3) Health is www.bryanomhealth.blogspot.com
4) Shopping cart is www.omhealth.com/shopping_cart
5) Life story of Bryan http://www.omhealth.com/BryanAroma.htm

Wealth bowl we only do 18 a year and u can order now : www.omhealth.com/wbw.htm and u can email to order from orders@omhealth.com

Welcome 2018 Ntuc Auditorium is a must come event to renew ur luck and welcome with good techniques for health and Luck:> Register early ok;
Date : 14th Jan 2018,  Time : 930am to 1pm
class@omhealth.com with name and mobile.

2018 is  a interesting year where there will be alot of resoruces but we dont know how to use. Metal and water energy will be a wonderful way to handle this. Omhealth has remind all to be more positive and try not to be stubborn. Too demanding and too self centered and too rushing is killer for 2018 luck.  Easily to have a misunderstanding year . I think other than that, u should know every year is the same. Say good or no good , i think better tell u procedure more practical.
oh stay humble for 2018 but proud and self centered will cause downfall. I am quite worried for those youngster.

Main Door Door knob change ur 6D hulu (simplest way instead putting 1001 things at ur house), 5D coin change a new flower of Life 5 D coin in rice urn ok:>
(please order early as we spend time to tie and cant do alot one shot)  U can order 5D and 6D and keep in drawers first and this page will teach u how to use.

Food for 2018 (make once a month White fungus dessert). Adopt the new Coin which lock in heaven and earth energy of Metal and also balance ur water.

This coin designed to accumulate ur energy and let u know ur luck is round the corner and also the four symbols represent the 4 auspicious animal from Chinese traditions. It will be discussed in details once launched.

Start Work Day:

Start Work Day is the day according to Chinese Tradition calculation to start day of work so they say will have a smooth year at work. During my Grandpa time, they will select day to start work and boss or manager will give a simple ang bao to the staff. This will bring alot of good energy to the company and energy very good one. But nowadays many youngster or new generation dont practice and even Start work day we have no choice to choose. But this is so ok because by followig below procedures we can start with date that we have no choice

Below is a Procedure for Start Work Day (according to ancient calender ) or even u cant follow the date, anyday u start work ensure u have the Bai Wu Jin Jin coin on ur desk for a day with 2 mandarins will do.

So here are some procedure I can share with u :> on Start work Day
1) Bai Wu Jin Ji Coin carry to office
This will help those who cant choose start day so at least start with this coin. (so u dont bother the dates)
This year if u have Fu Zai Yan Qian coin carry , it welcome four directional balance energy to u.

开工大吉 2018 procedure:

When you reach office,

1) Put a pair of Mandarin on table ( top "Star" must be green).
2) Spray the tranquility Healing spray (Reason : To have a relax, not overworked but yet productive work)
3) Hold the  Fu Zai Yan Qian or flower coin like a pendulum. Rotate clockwise direction a few times and keep repeating the following words till you feel good.


" 时来运好,财喜并至,金生水来起大运。

4) You can put 百无禁忌  coin on your office table or carry with you. (drawers is ok)
5) Essential Oil that brings alot of Good ren yuan and opportunities are the new oil which will be launced in 2018 Jan.

A- Z ( Work Start Day)
We may not be able to have a say as to start work on a good day we wanted. Simply perform the above procedures.

For those who can choose and want to follow the good date to start work:
You can purposely go office to perform activate work luck procedure and go home.

But I know omhealth got many wanna choose start work day so I give u now













House Cleansing Day

House cleansing Date for 2018

House cleansing is an important procedure to symbolise one year of negativity in physical and mental form to be cleanse
Energy debris related to thoughts, emotions, and occurrences and stress anger is stored in our space.
Your house walls, ceiling, objects, carpet and furniture absorb everything happening in your surroundings.
The accumulation of these negative energies occurs in the corners and places that are tucked away.
But don't worry; a omhealth way of cleansing helps to get rid of this negativity using art of aromatherapy.

Alot of people like Chinese will select date for house cleansing. But for me I will cleanse on the day I have time. But those who wants to follow here are the dates for CNY House Cleansing

CNY Cleansing Date for House
28th Dec 2017  Goat NO
3rd Jan 2018  Ox NO
4th Jan 2018 Tiger NO
19th Jan 2018 Monkey NO
17th Jan 2018 Rabbit NO
28th Jan 2018 Tiger NO
29th Jan 2018 Rabbit NO
2nd Feb 2018 Goat NO

The above are the traditional cleansing date used . It has 2 significant. Choosing one of the dates above for personal cleansing and house cleansing welcome luck to ur side. So this article I shall divide to 2 cleansing.

Personal Cleansing:

Our body is like a house for our soul. So at all time we need to keep our aura cleanse.  This not only help us to feel lighter and also a way to nourish our body so good energy can come to us easily.

Items: 5 element Oil, AuraGold 20 oil, Heng scrub, Tranquility Spray,

Optional: Omhealth any incense.

Choose a day above:  Go to shower and than use Heng Scrub to scrub ur body with intention of cleansing all negative debris within u. Rinse ur body with water.

Follow by, have a new clean " Good Morning towel" in a pail of warm water of 5 drops 5 element oil. Use this towel gently compress ur neck shoulder and gently cleanse ur body.
This symbolise the activation of 5 element Qi in ur body for energy movemenets.

After the that wipe ur body dry. Put on ur cloth and spray Tranquility healing spray from head and let the mist envelope u with JOY.  And say

" I welcome the new Year with New energy "

U must set intention to the Universe so that good things come to u.  And very important if u have auraGOLD 20 oil, 2 drops palm and warm ur palm do a butterfly sweel around ur aura .

Importance of cleansing ur Aura: (pic one shows the negativity we might have, and pic to the right , u can see thru cleansing and positive thinking we can achieve brighter aura)

Our auras can contain unwanted energies, we may feel tired, down, unbalanced, depressed, anxious, "not quite ourselves," or even ill. Doing above can clear our fields  this canmake us feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced--more "ourselves.

U can choose anyday to do except the chosen date above combine with Chinese Auspicious date.


House Cleansing Includes 

Toilet Cleansing and House Rooms Cleansing

Items to use are KM Yan Set and optional Oil are
i) Purification Blend
ii) Cypress Oil
iii) Rose Geranium

Toilet Cleansing (sickness star and Suay Stars and Siao ren stars hides here):
Use 5 element oil and Rose Geranium Oil few drops with JIF and use Coconut Brush
Scrub the floor ok:>

House Cleansing:
U should prepare a pail of water with Cypress oil and Purification blend in it. Than use for wiping all over after u have cleanse house or with ur own cleansing methods.

Than on the KM yan put 6 drops 5 element oil and cover the KM yan with Omhealth sandalwood powder and use lighter to light it up. Fumes around the house and with intention of cleansing the house.
Play some mantra music form youtube.  Walk around the house with this KM yan set. Than walk around the house. After that leave it at living room. All windows must be open. Follow by Spay the Protection Spray around the house.

For family not convenient to burn KM yan, just spray the protection spray around the house .

Extra Notes on Cleansing.


6D coin and 5 D coin in 2018

The design of 6D hulu and 5D coin has vast meaning behind and it has been with omhealth for more than 15 years.

6D coin hulu is more for putting at number 2 and 5 star


Flying Star Page (a star a day, keep luck heng heng )

Flying Star 2018 flies in 4th Feb 2018 morning.

Star Number Sector Properties What to Do
2 West

The Star 2 visits Black Sickness Star visits the west this year. Its belongs to earth. 

It represents sickness, gossip and misunderstandings. 

But in flying star we know West is home of Star 7 Red Star, which is metal element and has a fighting nature. 

So this 2 and 7 in West will be productive relationship and with another Illness Bing Fu Star to amplify.

So if u main door or bedroom is at West it is more prone to encounter fighting, gossip, and legal problems. 

Be on guard for these problems if you use this section as the main entrance. 

But hor this sector benefits  for hospitals, clinic, medicine, doctors, attorneys, and businesses related to metal or legal advice service.

Caution Be on guard for fighting, gossip, legal problems and illness

At all time change the 6D hulu behind your main door yearly from 4th Feb 2018 start anyday can change.

Place to take note:

Doors, bedrooms, or study rooms in the West Section. 

So if u check ur house sector West side is a corner no people use, just leave it. But if is a sofa or bed area. U can put 6 d hulu.
Sofa Cushion can use blue or black related colors. Also put some metal decorations here.
For those who have the Hulu Tian Lu, u can use ten Spice oil on it and put here.

For office table seats, see u are at sector WEST. If yes put some 5d coin in drawers.

Take note, if in 2018, family members always sick, clean and fume this area. Also alot of times people CNY sick is heaty , nothing to do with fengshui la. So dont blame this star ahahha.

Heng Ball to use here in 2018 is Blue

Thats why I say, 3M hook is best to use for heng ball.

Above is sector.

If door facing WEST (Use a IPHONE stand door see pointing WEST). Put a grey floormatt and every week put ten spice oil on floor matt.
3 NE This star lcated NE of the house of living room.
 The nature of this star is Wood . It can represents ambition, expansion, gossip, argument, misunderstanding, fighting and robbery.

According my experience. if that year u experience alot of misunderstanding. U all lok for this star location. I suspect is things spoilt or cleaniness of the area need to be check. Than apply the simple cure i have installed for u .

We know that NE of house is known as 8 White Zuo Fu Wealth Star which brings fame and wealth. Its element is earth. Earth and wood are fighting elements. Also this 2018 地煞 star appear.

If u office table, study desk or ur main door is here u need to be more vigilant by keeping the area clean

Bedroom in this section is not very good for  youngster and pregnant woman. And if we stay a long time this sector according to the Book Tong Shu there will be pain in body and bones issues.

U can decorate this area with Red Heng ball. 

The red color Heng ball words wonder in handling this sector. FLoor matt can be red color

Also burn essential oil Love miracle blend works wonder.

Quick remedies:

If really Gossips and Shi Fei Very strong and alot issues happen. Go to find NE of ur house or living room. Put one time 9 stalk red roses with no thorns. Also light the Peacock Incense.

DO u know if Shi Fei and Lawsuit problems and u are not in fault. Just go temple Da Bo Gong pray and also carry the Liu He

Liu He is now avaliable at $26 shopping cart.

Is tied by omhealth and till today I mst say this brings gui ren energy and let us overcome gossip energy with love and mentor luck.

Also when Shi fei affected u. Go Buy a Red Ang Ku Kuek eat. and u will be amazed how fast the effect in cleansing.
5 North
Situation Doors, bedrooms, or study rooms in the North Section.

5 Yellow Lian Zhen Disaster Star is in the north this year.

The 5 Yellow Star stands for delays, obstacles, fires, lawsuits, sickness, and casualties. Its element is earth.

So if u have projects or things kept blocking. Check North of House is it dirty, untidy or got spoilt things. keep North of house quiet.

The north is the home of the 1 White Fortune Star, and it is water element.
 The 1 White (water) and the 5 Yellow (earth) are in domination relationship.

Additional there are numbers of inauspicious stars also gathering in the north, making it the most unfavorable section during the year of 2018.

 If unfortunately the main entrance or bedroom falls in this sector and no remedy is applied, an unexpected casualty is quite possible.

To prevent the occurrence of misfortune, it is inadvisable to renovate North of house after 4th feb 2018

This star known to create obstacles, pressure, delays, sickness, fighting, accidents, and unexpected casualities.

6d Hulu and 5D coin is a very good remedies for it:>

If really affect very big (u can feel one) just 6D hulu put at North; Than those who have singing bowl, gong a few times can le:>

Remedy To reduce the potential negative effects, use the metal element as a remedy. A metal remedy can consist of metal décor, such as a piece of sculpture or an ornament. A metal remedy that has moving metal parts, such as grandfather clock, is most preferable

Floor matt can be yellow.
1 1 (NW) (Tai Sui also here)


 This star visits NW in 2018. This star brings wealth, romance, and good negotiation luck. 

 ALso 1 White Star is water in nature using a 5d coin lock the wealth and amplify the luck.

Sector is good for people in business, acdemic achievements, loan officers, bankers, public relation, water related business, casinos and clubs.

This Fortunate Star brings wealth, fame, romance, and benefit from negotiation.
The northwest is the home of the 6 White Fortune Star, which is metal element. The productive relationship of metal and water make this sector strong both in money luck and Peach Blossom.

The 6 White (metal) provides energy to the 1 White (water) so it becomes a wealth-making and power-enhancing sector. However, auspicious yearly stars Tai Yang and Tian Xi mix with the inauspicious  stars of contention, Sui Xing and Jie Sha (Robbery) Star in the northwest. be careful of conflict with others that mostly arises due to challenges to the power of the authorities.

A 5 D coin works wonder for this year here

Benefits Beneficial for bankers, loan officers, public relationships, and water related businesses of entertainment industry, such as bars, nightclubs and casinos.

Strong for Peach Blossom.
Caution Conflicts, arguments and misunderstandings are easily aroused.

Dragon tortise is good to have it here
5 D coin

any colorful floor matt, (one or few colors, inshort any colors, please think ok, dont blur)

U can use some fresh flowers once a month to further activate the star.

A blue Heng Ball this sector this year can be so powerful to activate

Sometimes in family if u find alot of problems and issues cant resolve or the Father of the house or ur animal sign Dog and Pig have a lot problem.

Find NW of 2018 and spray the Protection Spray and touch the five D coin here. Works well.

4 South This year the 4  Green Wen Qu Literary Star falls in the south.

So this star talks about achiement in academic and also whether a person mind is creative and also talks about whether u have good relationships in all area.

 The 4 Green Star’s element is wood. The south is the home base of the 9 Purple Celebration Star. It is fire element. Fire and wood create a harmonious relationship.

So 2018 This is one of the very good sector to work with.

Especially u are in entertainment line and also u wan do well in ur studies.
If u can simplest remedies is using blue and green Heng Ball. U can choose either one. Dont miss this Power South of ur house or living room. It is one of the only sector free from unlucky star. I will make full use. If u have sofa or curtain. U can put some blue or green design covers.

I must say this sectors works well with ur Blue or Green Heng ball. U can feel the effect . If u find ur mind very

" Block and sluggish" Activate this sector of ur house.

DOnt be surprise if u have a study desk at South , u put dragontortise very good.

FLoor matt can be blue or green color
6 SouthWest The 6 White Wu Qu Fortune Star Flies to SW this time. Is it ur bedroom, office table or living room?

This is a metal star and it represent power and authority and wealth.
But we know SW is the house of sickness star 2 which is earth.

Looking at  Earth and metal are in a productive relationship, making the southwest a beneficial section in 2018

This sector is very important to activate for poitician , self employed
 salaried workers, and metal related businesses such as silver goods, jewelry, and goldsmiths. W

This sector also represent if u work hard u will have good results.

Is ur bedroom at SW ? U will find a good date or ur wife will get pregnant easily

Benefits Beneficial for politicians, the self-employed, salaried workers and metal related businesses such as silver goods, jewelry, and goldsmiths

Caution If your main entrance is located here, do not use underhanded ways or take short cuts to make money. It may get you into trouble with the law. This is because the yearly inauspicious Guan Fu star is in southwest.
Dont wait liao, A Clear Heng ball or King of Heng Ball here will be wonderful . if can weekly spray Tranquility spray here of house. Stand at SW of ur house, spray above ur head and enjoy the mist and energy of


Poems: Is metal and water energy

Apply "Flow oil" at ur wrist than spray Tranquility SPray above head. And say

"Gui4 ren2 shi2 fang1 lai2
Tu3 Sheng1 Jin1
Hao3 yun4 dao4 wo3 Jia1"

Dear all remember to order ur Protection Spray and Tranquility Spray. I think will have shortage soon.

One set is $90. Go to shopping cart.

Oh as is metal star, put the Fu Zai Yan Qian Coin is amazing.

floor matt can be gold color or yellow
7 East Situation Doors, bedrooms, or study rooms in the East Section.

The 7 Red Po Jun Star visits the east in 2018.  Is a star that we dont want to disturb because it can bring havoc to a family sometimes. But aiya knowing its sector benefits us so we know how to handle.

The 7 Red Star is metal element. It is a competitive and fighting star. It is also a star of breaking through, so it brings both promotion and fighting.   U can see beside bad but it can bring career promotions.

The combination of the wood of 3 Jade and the metal of 7 Red create a domination relationship, since metal dominates wood. This
makes the east section not so beneficial for break through in business and job or career switches.

There is also the potential of leg injuries or throat discomfort if someone stays in this area more than eight hours per day.

Remedy: A bottle of Tranquility Healing Spray place here and mist the area daily or 3 times a week is good. Also remember this power mist is chemical free and lifespan is 6 months.

If just nice this area  u have a small aquarium, it can handle this star also.

Remedies: 5D coin or Tranquility mist or blue heng ball

But if u find that week alot of fighting and people make things difficult for u, mist the area few times,

Maindoor facing  East,  Floor Matt: Blue

Aroma oil:.Fresh Morning Oil wipe or on floor matt

Heng ball: Blue , floor matt can be blue color

Use water element as a remedy in this sector. A fountain or aquarium in the east will help to change the poison into medicine.
After Remedy Beneficial for business expansion and promotion, as well as for people who work in speech-related professions such as sales, singers, and fortune tellers. Caution If you use this section as an entrance, be on guard for break-ins.
8 SouthEast Situation Doors, bedrooms, or study rooms in the Southeast Section.
Analysis The 8 White Zuo Fu Wealth Star visits the southeast in 2018.
This 8 White Star brings wealth and fame. The element of the 8 White Star is earth.

The southeast section is the home of the 4 Green Wen Qu Literary Star, which is wood element. The combination of the wood of 4 Green and the earth of 8 White creates a domination relationship (wood dominates earth).

This makes the southeast section not very beneficial for money luck, real estate development, or the construction business. There is also the potential of bone pain or broken limbs.

In 2018, the inauspicious Sui Po Star is there, so avoid big renovation in the earth in this section to prevent some unhappy things from happening.
Remedies: Red Heng Ball or have a lamp  with red shade. I think red heng ball is simplest for 2018.

Those who have the liuli Elephant can put here or ur wealthbowl can change to this sector.

This star help u have a prosperous household and good filial kids.
For 2018 transform evil energy to good energy and help everyone in family. And activate to encourage bad people around u to be good people.

Benefits Use fire element as a remedy in this sector. A fire remedy can be a red light bulb, a lamp with a red shade, or any red color item. The related colors of maroon, purple, or fuchsia may also be used.

After Remedy Beneficial for money luck, pregnant women, teenagers, real estate, and the construction business.

floormatt can be red or yellow.
9 Future wealth Center of HOUSE Many ask me, where is center of house and according to floor plan. In ancient time people stay in Landed , so grid the house is practical. But for many living in HDB or Condo, house is not tie to the sector we decide to change the technique to focus center of house as the living roo,

Means in 2018 if u can properly decor ur living room can bring good energy for 2019 too. I

It represent clarity of thoughts, promotion, health luck.

It actual fengshui

Star 9 Purple You Bi Star visits the center. This is a star that could be good or bad. It depends on how we make use of it. We are currently in Period 8, which is known as the 8 White Zuo Fu Star and is earth element.

As a result of the productive relationship between 9 Purple (fire) and 8 White (earth) in the center, we can predict that the global economy slightly growth can be expected.

This year is beneficial for talented youthful leaders to take over the position of aging authorities.

Period 8 corresponds to Gen trigram in the Yi Jing. Gen represents the mountain. The 9 Purple Star represents Li trigram (Fire). Fire above Mountain forms hexagram 56, Lu.

The meaning of this hexagram is “Traveling: on a journey, only minor undertakings go well.” Slightly growth this year reflects a synchronized improvement across both advanced and emerging market economies.

The world economy continues to face a number of downside risks. They include increased protectionism, heightened policy uncertainty, the possibility of financial market turbulence, and, over the longer run, weaker potential growth. The image is a vivid one:

Fire is spreading across a mountain. This is a dangerous sign for fire-related disasters such as earthquakes, forest fires, and all time we must take note of personal safety and country very "luan" dont go

 People will experience global hyperinflation ahead. All the governments around the world can do very little about it. But if wisdom and if all minister spend time to read some books on Wisdom and Confucious or Buddhist Philosphy of life u will excel. I wonder got minister read my article anot ahahha

What do I put?

Twin Hulu is best de. As inside u can put gold power or some given crystals.
Dragon toritise
A bowl of $1 coin with 5D coin.
U will notice the flower of life 5 d coin very special this year. Remember 5d coin for blocking negative energy need change for putting lucky place can change after 2 years or 3. But for me after 2 years I change le:>

If u notice when star 9 at center means it affect all animal signs and putting something auspicious is good.
For me daily morning I light some incense powder or wishfufilling pagoda incense.

I will upadte a power items at $28 to $68  to buy during CNY period u can adopt and so it enter ur house during the 15 days:.

The price range make it affordable to all.

The reason why I have Positive affirmation flow oil and Harmony oil is out, because of Star 9.


12 Animals Sign ( Comprehensive 1 animal sign a day)
( A powerful poems of 12 animals do together in 14th Jan 2018 is a yearly thing where 12 animals will say a poems and 600 pax say the poems out and all attendees will receive powerful energy wish and affirmations)
This method can only be happen when people of different animal signs gathered and do:>

Animal Sign Prediction General Predictions with remedies

Luck: Fortune fluctuates between good and bad.

Need to be practical whether employees or self-employed should act within own abilities and careful not to trust anyone blindly to avoid getting cheated.

This may be unstable year and may encounter obstacles in career and love (but aiya everyone same same who dont have obstacles, just that u slightly more and my remedies for u using oil is a must).

Be patient and tolerant. A number of obstacles and setbacks may appear in spring and luck improve towards later half of the year.

Good time to learn new things so as to be well prepared when good opportunities comes.

Money Luck: Do not have many lofty dreams or take any risky investments.

Health: Watch out for eye and heart related problems. Be careful of elderly health.

Romance: Fluctuate and may have mood swings but it could also be exciting. Married monkeys should refrain from squabbling which may lead to separation.

Benefactor: Tiger

Never forget the handmade Liu He from omhealth .

Auspicious Stars: Yi Ma (驿马)

Inauspicious Stars: Tian Gou (天狗), Diao Ke (吊客), Tian Ku (天哭)

To activate Yi Ma, go tour and when tour buy a book from that country home.

Do 478 breathing exercise daily with essential Oil Awakening Blend.

Do not rush when do things, think carefully and let it have smooth flow.

Due to Tian Gou and Diao Ke wealth will be affected and may also have minor accident or sickness.

When investing with money be more careful. Triple check

Wen Chang (文昌) will enable the clarity of thoughts and is powerful.

A good year to take up courses for upgrading so as to have a brighter future.

Good luck in 2018 (动中生财), luck comes with movement.

Difficult to find gui ren this year, good to carry gui ren bag.

Take care of family health by doing medicine charity

Optional Fengshui remedies if u want to la:

Carry with u the Fu Zai Yan Qian Coin
Health if have issues, at the West hand the 6d Hulu simplest (west of bedrom or house)
Lack of gui ren u can spray Tranquility spray above ur head daily
If obstacles suddenly alot just put Flower of life 5 d coin at North of house

U may think is alot but not ask u all put, just selectively u decide which is more issues than u put. But for me I ensure 6d  hulu main door knob as u have the Diao Ke star.


Do some prayer in temple to appease the unlucky stars u can visit Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Si.

Chant heart mantra 1-2 times per week or on Youtube to listen 心经。

Learn Peacock King mantra (will be taught in Subsequent Bai Bai Class)

For family health bring them for acupuncture or health maintenance, especially elderly.

For personal carry  "De ang fong sa wan", eat one bottle before travel to prevent 水土不付

Hang 6D hulu on main door.

When travelling good to carry travel charm.

 Acupressure point: Spleen meridian Xue Hai (血海)

Affirmations: Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come.

I am safe

Oil Blend: Awakening Blend is ur best frient in 2018

But once awhile use 5 Element shower and heng scrub best. Also tranquility Spray above ur head spray in office helps in career.

In year of rooster u direct COng with Tai Sui to some can be a good thing as it "cong" you up to be stronger. But emotional wise can be drained. So is important that before crossing to the new year , scrub ur body on 3rd Feb with Heng heng Scrub .

Luck:  Althought there are
a number of inauspicious stars , luck is inconsistent and will meet obstacles in career due to colleagues if employed. (Thousand year Tong Sheng say one but i think for me i can transform this kind of issues to better luck. For me those book says no good is to warn u , definitely will meet minor issues but if u know the techniques this can be beneficial)

Self employed will encounter setbacks in business. A lot of pressure at work.

One family member may fall ill during spring or early summer and needs special care.

Those born in 1957 or 1969 should avoid do cleansing after visiting sick or attending wakes. U can use 5 elelement oil shower. After go, before home go hawker eat eat.

Money Luck: Think carefully before investing and avoid gambling. Avoid risky activity to avoid legal trouble.

Health: To avoid accidents and injuries avoid dangerous sports and scaling heights. A frightening experience may await you if going out late at night.

Romance: Will not be smooth sailing his year but if u diffuse love miracle blend oil at home once a week or wipe floor, it will be ok. Going overseas on working trip may bring a fruitful relationship.

For married couples be loyal to your love ones otherwise there will be regrets.

Benefactor: Horse

Auspicious Stars: Mo Yue ( )

Inauspicious Stars: Bing Fu (病府), 害太岁

 U need to carry flower of life 5 D coin before 4th feb 2018 and bring this coin to temple go over incense.

害太岁 means will have hidden issues and problems and luck will fluctuate.

Emotions can be like roller coaster.  

placing the Dragon tortise at home or office table is very beneficial for u. If u can find NW of house u can put also. If not just put facing door.  I suggest u can adopt the big dragon tortise and put in office desk and touch it daily.

 U  can see there is  fortunately a lucky star Mo Yue will transform negative and any danger to peace. So make full use and work with this star. Avoid lending money.

Talk less and do not interfere with others matters.

Due to Bing Fu xin will result in body weak. So remember to put ur 6 D hulu at doorknob. If u are really disturb by health issues, boil a tablespoon rice with 3 cups water and after cook off fire  add in 5 chrysantheum flower. Drink the water is good for health recovery.


Activate lucky star Mo Yue by pressing acupressure point using Aura 20 oil.

Body can be weak due to Bing Fu star, take good vitamins, use 10 Spice oil

Rub 10 Spice oil onto Peach wood hulu and put beside bed.

If visit people in hospital, carry Cypress oil on cotton and put in pocket.

Good to put dragontortoise at home.

For health luck donate medicine to Tong Chai medical Hall or similar to handle Wu Huang (五黄)and Er Hei ( ) star.

For emotions issues read positive thinking books. And if travel buy a tshirt home.

Spend money on health products will dissolve health issue (give to a friend) eheheh can go my shopping cart. Kidding la, u can buy any health products and give to a friend on 4th Feb. Support me ok hahaha/

Affect by sickness star, West side of house hang 6D hulu.

Acupressure point: Press Nei Guan Xue (
内关穴)to enlighten emotions.

Affirmations: I return my body to optimum health by giving it what it needs on every level.

I let go of all fear and doubt and life becomes simple and easy for me.

Oil Blend:  Ten spice oil, Aura Gold 20.


Neither signs of danger or major breakthroughs.

Do not set high expectations and resists new request until you have fulfilled commitments already scheduled.

Due to auspicious stars Fu Xing and Tian De shining above career luck is good and everything you plan is smooth. Most projects will hit target.

Is good to work with the new coin Fu Zai Yan Qian to amplify the good luck star .

For male, living abroad luck is unstable. Although good year but there is some bad hidden in the good. May have conflict in career and a lot of confusion in dealing with things so at all times perform prescribed breathing exercise.

Be careful of being cheated. Beware of scandals, lawsuits and money losses.

Not a good year to consider something new or cooperate with others.

Money Luck: Good with big gains and small losses. May chalk up unnecessary expenses or may have financial losses between 7th November and 6th December.

Health: Generally good

Romance: Because of star Gua Su, searching for romance will be fruitless. Married couples should be careful of a family revolution causing a breakup of the family.

Benefactor: Monkey

Liu He is good to carry. And because u are affected by Tai Sui watch ur emotion and carry Flower of life 5 D coin.

Auspicious Stars: Tian De (天德), Fu De (福德), Fu Xin (福星)

Inauspicious Stars: Jiao Sha (绞煞), Tian Sha (天煞), Juan She (卷舌), Gua Su (寡宿),

                                   San Xin (三型 )

Because of 破太岁, luck will fluctuate. Carry 5D coin.

A lot of times will encounter obstacles and more gossips due to Juan She star.

Lie low and talk less. Keep a low profile And really gossip alot , NE of house put flower of life 5 D coin..

In career will have xiaoren and interpersonal relationship problems. Wear black tourmaline.

As luck is ok to exccel, u can beside bed put the Tianlu Hulu Peachwood and put lavender and PAF lime on it, it can amplify ur luck. 

The healing wood dragon tortise u can put NW of house wor this can amplify luck.

Ur Lucky food is green grapes, use them in salad or eat 3 to feel great again. Sometimes when luck really low, put some green grapes at office table for 1 hour than eat.

Luckily because of Fu Xin, Ba Zhuo and Ji Xin by being kind and compassion will have a lot of indirect wealth, so is also a good year.

In terms of health be careful of sharp objects.


To activate good wealth south west of house put dragon tortoise from omhealth and

north west put peach wood Tian lu for wealth luck.

Donate medicine.  Carry 5D coin.

After 4th Feb do minor renovation or paint wall or minor change of furniture to improve luck.

Be careful of No. 5 and No. 2 stars at home, be careful of sharp objects ,put 5D coin and 6D hulu.

Health problem is related to digestion, drink warm tea or ginger tea.

Screen saver: horse

Oil Blend : Flow and Affirmation blend, 5 element oil.


Acupressure point: Press Zu San Li (足三里) and Nei Guan (内关) at the same time using Ginger Lily oil.

Affirmations: I am worthy of health, wealth and love. I deserve someone who adores me just as I am.

Oil Blend: Oil to use : Lavendula vera and PAF Lime together or Use Victoria Secret oil blend as and when.

Luck: Has many auspicious stars shinning above, is an excellent year for career bringing wealth and fame. Is a year if u break through ur thoughts by doing daily affirmation with Fu Zai Yan Qian coin, u can see very good results. All issues u faced will be resolved in a way or u let go from ur heart

Hard work will bring big benefits and profits. Expand your social circle to further boost your career. Working hard in the beginning of the year will bring good results towards end of the year.

Self employed will benefits from overseas work trip while salaried workers may find themselves ostracized by their colleagues.

Those born in 1965 and 1977 be wary when speaking to avoid trouble.

There are two minor inauspicious stars so play safe is the best policy.

 Easiest is to work with heng ball and coins

Money Luck: Avoid excessive spending.

Health: Insomnia and stress from work. Those born in 1953 be careful of heights and watch steps to prevent accidents.

Romance: Plenty of romantic encounters. For single an interesting love life awaits you and may lead to marriage so treat it seriously.

Married snake spend more time with partner to avoid third party intruder.

Benefactor: Rooster


Auspicious Stars: Zhi Wei (紫薇), Long De (龙德), Di Jie (地解), Hong Luan (红鸾)

Inauspicious Stars: Tian E (天厄), Bao Bai ( ), Tian Fu( 天符), Wang Shen (亡神)

Very stable luck
. Ur Lucky food is a bowl of warm soup with radish or carrot inside. At anytime ur luck is low look for soup with carrots. And before drink, say the affirmations below.

Because of Zhi Wei and Long De, working in the office will have chance of promotion and will be praised for good work.

Wealth is good and most things will have smooth flow. The simple  Hao Yun Lun Dao  ni  at ur  computer area or bag brings good energy.

Because of few unlucky stars will have xiaoren creating problems If u want enhance personal luck. NORTH of ur house or room can put 5 d coin. But if u find too much shi fei that month, NE of house put 5 d coin. U can move it around..

Do not be proud and showing off too much will cause trouble.

Because of unlucky stars Tian E and Bao Bai need to be careful of minor accidents, be careful at all times.

Slight loss of wealth.

Watch diet affecting blood pressure and cholesterol.



Carry 福在眼前 coin to protect wealth.

Attend wedding or party get good gifts for people 破欢喜财 is good for you.

When travel may have minor issues, not to engage in dangerous sports.

Carry travel charm and do good deeds.


Acupressure point: Press Lao Gong (劳宫) and Yong Quan (涌泉) using purification oil under foot before sleep or footbath.

Affirmations: I affirm abundant good luck throughout my day. I always get what I wish for.

Oil Blend:   The new Oil Equilibrium (launching in end december is a powerful oil for u)


Luck: Because of star Sui Po there will be changes whether pre-planned or unexpected events will affect career or business. So dont let changes affect ur mood and go with the flow.

Need to put in extra effort for a small gain (work hard ). In career, success and failure both come easily. Give full attention to every task. Do not trust anyone blindly lest you get cheated. Be cautious about signing documents and read all the fine prints and understands what it means.

Bai Wu Jin Ji coin tie with a 5 color string and put in bag or office table or pocket is good at times of stress.

Conflict with others will happen frequently. Sugar coat your words and use soft tactics when dealing with difficult situations. Once a month buy some tidbits for colleagues.

Money luck: Difficult to keep and save so be prepared for the worst. Avoid over spending and budget wisely. If can a bowl of $1 dollar coin 8 of them and put flower of life 5 D coin living room any where will do. This accumuate luck. And as and when when extra $1 coin put the bowl.

Do not gamble or take risk to avoid legal trouble.

Health: Physical discomfort is caused by mood.

Those born in 1940 may have to extra take care health.

Romance: Will be emotional and easily fight with a loved one over small matters leading to separation.

Be patient and do not nitpick or argue.

Benefactor: Pig , Liu He  remember to order.

Auspicious Star:  Yue Kong (月空)

Inauspicious Stars: Sui Po ( 岁破), Lan Gan (栏杆), Yue Sha (月煞), Bao Wei (豹尾), Da Hao (大耗) and conflict with Tai Sui


Due to conflict with Tai Sui this year will be a difficult year. So attending some wedding or birthday party after 4th Feb 2018 is good.

Because of star Da Hao (大耗) and Sui Po (岁破)need to be careful with all matters and do not rush when making decisions. Use essential oil.

Emotion is unstable. Oil blend should have is Love miracle blend and Awakening blend. Use in tissue, add shower gel etc.

Speak less to avoid trouble.

May feel unappreciated when helping others.

Careful when handling people especially Xiao ren. Do not be guarantor.

 Dragon should carry the new Fu Zai yan Qian coin.  Beside the bed remember u can re use to put the hulu peachwood and put spice oil on it monthly 5 drops. And when feel sick, hold between ur hands few mins a day till feel better.

Ur lucky food is Tang Yuan with pandan leaf. Once a month when needed (no need every month) , really cannot take it, buy frozen tang yuan and boil with pandan leafs eat 2 will do:> than shower with 5 element oil . U will feel good.


Go dentist.

Go foot reflexology

Donate medicine or coffin.

Pray to Tai Sui every month.

Take care of flying star 2 sector; Put brass hulu or 6D hulu.

Acupressure Point: Zu San Li (足三里) use essential oil love miracle blend/ (u can put a drop at Zu san li than press

Affirmations: Life guides me to always make the right decisions. I am always at the right place at the right time.

Oil Blend: Love miracle blend and awakening blend.


Luck: Auspicious stars Yue De and Shan He brings good fortune and bountiful gains for the rabbit. Will see success in career and business.

Joint effort is particularly good.

Do not allow negativity to affect your good luck and keep all moves simple and straightforward.

There is a sign of back stabbers. Keep low key and humble to avoid jealousy from others.  Carry a BBC coin is good, so if u have this coin, touch the coin more ok:>

Money luck: Money luck is good, however avoid excessive spending, budget wisely, avoid gambling or short cut risky investments.

Health: Average to good. May have minor joint pain, insomnia or migraines.

Romance: Will have many dates but difficult to differentiate a sincere relationship so stay rational and refrain from being over serious.

Separate romance from work to avoid others taking advantage of you.

There is a misunderstanding in love love for married rabbits born in 1963 or 1975 must  talk things out.

Benefactor: Rat

Auspicious Stars: Yue De (月德), Sui De (岁德)

Inauspicious Stars:  Xiao Hao (小耗), Xian Chi (咸池), Si Fu (死符), Nian Sa ( 年煞 )

 Because of Yue De, luck in 2018 is stable and things will flow smoothly.

Due to He Tai Sui ( 合太岁), good to attend party or temple event.

Unlucky star Xiao Hao and Xian Chi there will be minor loss of money or may have relationship problems.

Careful when talk easily offend people.

 Also if u find very prone to lost of wealth , East of house put flower of life 5 d coin. And west of house put 6D hulu.


Office table to put  Fu Zai Yan Qian coin to encourage good working energy.

Bedroom cleanse with Victoria Secret once in a while will help if have relationship problems.

When visit people in hospital or attend funeral carry cypress oil on tissue and put in pocket.

Good to do minor house renovation or painting after 4th Feb. Aura Gold 20 oil seems to bring a kind of wealth energy to ur aura. Try to use it.

Health need to focus on weight , heart and blood circulation. Good to do exercises.

For family health do offering of medication or coffin.

West of house put a 6D hulu.

 Acupressure point: Zu San Li (足三里)

Affirmations: I deserve the best and I accept it now. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask.

Oil Blend: Victoria Secret and Aura Gold 20 oil and cypress.

Victoris Secret and cypress oil.  



An auspicious year where career will be smooth sailing during June and July. Hard work will bring profits and possibly a promotion and you may think about moving on to a better place.

Be careful when making new friendships as some people cause frustration and drain your energy physically and mentally.

Not advisable to act as guarantor for others in March and May.

 Fu Zai Yan Qian Coin is an amazing luck opener for u this year

Money luck: Average to good through effort put into your work and not as a result of windfall. Be careful of overspending during the month of May 5th to June 5th which is an inauspicious month for the ox. Refrain from gambling or financial speculation. So this two date do  some charity and chant more mantras dedicate to all beings

Health: No major problems, mainly headaches and allergies. Look out for stress and limbs problems.  If u never have rose balm , do get one;

Romance: May have quarrels with partner so be careful how you behave and speak.  Also careful of scandal.

Married oxen born in 1973 and 1985 be sensitive and make extra effort of caring and communicating to avoid third parties.

Benefactor: Dog

Auspicious Stars: Tai Ying (太阴)

Inauspicious Stars: Guan Suo(贯索), Gou Jiao (勾绞), Cu Bao (卒暴)

 行太岁 will have more gossips, quarrels or legal issues. Carry flower of life 5D coin.

Financial is a bit unstable. And Avoid lending money.

Because of Tai Yin , Tian jia and Guo yin star is good for career.

Will get a lot of help from colleague and people. At times buy good food for them to activate the gui ren energy.


Important to carry 5D coin. Screensaver put rat picture.

Office table put dragon tortoise on right side.

If visit people in hospital or attend funeral. Put cypress oil on cotton and put in pocket.  Go home already shower  with  5 element oil

Careful of No. 5 unlucky star put 5D coin or 6 D hulu. And No. 2 star put brass hulu.

On 4th Feb do medicine charity work or go temple.

For health do some exercise especially when emotions down, use essential oils like grapefruit pink, lavender and peppermint to raise your energy.

Use Aura 20 oil on tissue in bag or footbath to increase ox energy.

Main problem is thinking too much, turn on Gu Zheng music and do breathing exercise with Victoria secret oil.

Acupressure point: Shen Men XUe is a important point for u in 2018.

Affirmations: Good fortune is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling everyday

Oil Blend: Healing Trees oil  and  Spice oil is an amazing oil for u.


Luck: Will have new opportunities this year and because of Tai Yang star shinning above, male will have better luck than female pig. So male must even carry the Fu Zai Yan Qian Coin.

There will be many money- making opportunities for the self- employed.

A good year to make plans for long term goals and laying a firm foundation for the future such as changing job or striking out on your own.

Some obstacles to overcome from 5th March to 4th April and between 6th January and 3rd February. Just dates chant mantra ok:>


Money luck: Rewards will only come with hard work and not result of windfall. Those born in winter beware of robbery or break-in disaster.

Health: May have problem with circulatory system and urinary tract.

Romance: Tian Xi star will create many romantic opportunities and for the unattached will lead to a fruitful relationship. For the attached there will be more excitement in the relationship.

7th August to 7th September is a good month to get married and can easily have a baby.

Married or attached Pigs born in the Summer ( June, July and August) will find it easy to have a third party intruder.

Benefactor: Snake

Auspicious Star: Tai Yang ( ) , Tian Xi( 天喜 )

Inauspicious Stars: Liu Hai ( 六害 ), Tian Kong ( 天空 ), Gu Chen ( 孤辰 ), Jie Sha ( 劫煞  )

Very Good year because stars Tai Yang and Tian xi comes together,  wealth is good.

Auspicious stars so powerful will bring a lot of happiness and good luck.

Use Aura 20 oil to do aura cleansing will help even more to maintain and sustain the good luck.

A lot of gui ren from male people and to carry this wang Qi. Flower of life 5 d coin with  8 $1 coin put  living rom.

Due to unlucky star Mei Qi(霉气), people of same level at work place will be jealous of you. But a dragon tortise the redwod do the wonders to control their  negativity.

But boss will be in favor of you. So be humble also.

Need to be humble, think positive otherwise the unlucky stars Gu Chen and Tian Kong will take over.

Will have a lot of complication and gossip. Think positive and all bad things will become good.

The new coin is important for you to understand 福在眼前.

Because of Gu Chen star need to take care of family health especially elderly.


Use Aura 20 oil to do aura cleansing will help to maintain and sustain the good luck.

Dragontortoise on right side of office table facing out if meet with jealous colleagues.

6D hulu behind main door for family health.

New 5D coin in rice urn on eve of Chinese New Year.

Oil Blend: Purification Blend and Equilibrium Oil (get in January) 

Acupressure point: Nei Guan (内关) Use lavender and peppermint on cotton rub for 1 minute every day.

Affirmations: I constantly attract positive things into my life. I attract luck and prosperity at all times.


Luck: A stable year where career has to put in more hard work and time. Obstacles in the beginning can be overcome and ultimately brings benefits.

Pay more attention to interpersonal relationship when doing business and do not set too high expectations. Too much self esteem will lead to negative results.

In May and December be extra careful. Be alert and do not take risk when in doubts. This period do more medicine charity and also use the Fu Zai Yan Qian coin do affirmations

Will be physical and mentally tired this year, beware of troubles from colleagues or subordinates. Be tactful and tolerance to avoid friction with co-worker or someone close especially during spring time.

Essential oil blend is so imporant for you this year And do take care of elderly health. So early year , do some charity under their names,


Money luck: Average to good with some unexpected spending that cannot be avoided.

Health: Common complaints are insomnia, mental stress, cuts and digestion. Observe good eating habits.

Romance: Relationship with a love one will alternate between good and bad.

Relationship that is good progress faster than expected may lead to marriage. Married Rats born in 1960 and 1984 must communicate and be understanding to avoid frequent disputes.

Benefactor: Dragon

Auspicious Stars: Ba zuo (   ), Tian Jie ( 天解  ), Jie Shen ( 解神)

Inauspicious Stars: Xue Ren (血刃), Fu Chen (浮沉 ), Fei Lian (飞廉 ), Sang Men ( 丧门),Yang Ren(养刃)

Things are turning good this year if compare to 2017. And u may think despite seeing all the bad luck star why i say that . Because I know i have a few stong good luck star and i must actiavte it.

First put Hulu set at elderly room ok..

Career and business wise will have a lot of help if meet with any problem.

Unlucky stars will affect family health so 6d hulu behind main door and change new one yearly. Also the health sector put the 6d hulu for star number 2 and 5 (if u choose to put one, choose 2 to put.

Unhappiness that happened before with friends will be resolved and reconciled. U may be surprise to start talking to old friends. Treasure please.

Health need to be careful when doing water sports.

Will have sleeping issue so chant the peacock king mantra. And learn breathing exercise


Lucky star that represent reputation and power for rat can be further strengthen using Dragontortoise at home facing door is very important.

Brass hulu from Omhealth beside bed.

Go for gathering and celebration or donate coffin or medicine to improve family health.

Lavender, cedarwood and eucalyptus oil to help sleep.

Dragon tortise works wonder for u in 2018. Because myself is rat and i feel the great energy that comes from it. 

 Acupressure point: Lao Gong (劳宫)and Yong Quan (涌泉) do massage.

Affirmations: I radiate success and prosper whenever I turn. I have unlimited choices, opportunities are everywhere.

Oil Blend:

5 element oil and positive afffirmation oil nis really ur oil for 2018 . And using oil for cleansing house are Dragonfly Aeonian oil and Cypress.



Luck: Career and money luck fluctuates between good and bad. May feel changes uncomfortable but will ultimately in your favour.

Few opportunities, however be alert and make full use when it comes.


Middle age dogs may face a lot of unseen changes, direct your energy to areas where you have the most expertise. Is important to go for foot reflex when luck is feeling low.


People born in 1982 will have good opportunities in sales, writing and in entertainment industry. Your personality will have great impact on your surroundings in terms of ideas and plans. Carry ur Fu Zai Yan Qian Coin more.


Dogs born in 1970 who are bosses may encounter betrayal or misunderstanding from close partners and beware of petty people or backstabbers. Be patient and humble to avoid conflict.


Money luck: Fluctuates. Watch out for unexpected expenses, avoid expensive plans and activities. Be extra careful in the month of February 4th to March 4th and August 7th to September 7th.


Health: Avoid risky sports, high climbing and getting cuts. Look for star 2 and put a 6D hulu.


Romance: Emotionally unstable, easily aroused to argue and lose control. Single do not fantasize too much about love.

 However, it is a good year for those born between August 7th and September 7th. Romance frequently signals good fortune.

Benefactor: Rabbit


Auspicious Star: Hua Gai (华盖)

Inauspicious Stars: Jian feng (剑锋), Tai Sui (太岁), Fu Shi ( 伏尸), Huang Fan (黄旙)

Due to direct conflict with Tai sui, the body will be a bit weak compared to last few years. Need to be careful when handling wealth. Carry the 5 D coin will help alot

Difficulty in making decision. So when lost in decision make a tea of chrysanthemum and dried longan. After drinking a cup , half hour later inhale the aroma oil. U will find the answer clearer.

A lot of blockages creating unnecessary worries and cause sleep to be affected.

Because of Fu shi star cause family to be not in peace, so 6D hulu behind main door is a must.



Da have the Fu Zai Yan Qian coin in handy

Carry 六合 rabbit and dog.

Attend birthday, wedding or baby shower.

Go Dr Xu Li Li for for accupuncture or any of ur doctor.

Main door must hang 6D hulu.

Put new coin- 福在眼前 beside bed.

North West of house put dragontortoise.

If want to avoid minor accident put  5D coin at north of house.

Phone screensaver put rabbit.

For better luck, change pillow for new year.

Paint bedroom or change some minor furniture after 4th feb.

 Acupressure point: Qi Hai (气海), use lavender and peppermint

Affirmations: My life is filled with abundance. My life is good and is ever improving.

Oil Blend: Equilibrium oil is very important for u.



Luck: Smooth sailing and excellent year to push ahead with plans.  A career switch will bring good results if u want to.

Work with Fu Zai Yan Qian Coin is great. Or u can hang it at SE of house.

Good luck with hard work will bring substantial gains even if there is competition and a lot of pressure. Previous unsuccessful attempts will bring good results this year.

So be determined

Good year to make plans or learn something new. However do not be too ambitious to avoid ending up with nothing.

Those born in 1966 and 1978 may encounter backstabbers and easy to have misunderstandings with friends or relatives, especially in late autumn and early winter.


Money luck: Salaried worker may have a new source of income.

Health: No serious problem, watch out for flu in winter and sprains in summer.

Romance: Quite emotional and easily fight with a loved one over trivial matters. Married couples will quarrel a lot so be careful to control temper so as to avoid breakup.

Benefactor: Sheep

Auspicious Stars: Jin Gui (金匱), Jiang Xin (将星)

Inauspicious Stars: Bai Hu (白虎), Pi Tou (披头)

 Because of lucky stars a lot of authority is given to you and commander stars brings commanding energy.

Will have power and wealth.  U must do  most of the things urself.

Think positive to attract positive energy. For u  is important to  

Bai Hu and Pi tou may cause some minor injury, good to go donate medicine or visit dentist

Career will have more obstacles but good for personal growth.
A lot of time handle things yourself. Do not over trust subordinates or friends.

Due to Tian Chu star (天厨)there is a lot of advancement in career if u accept the challenges. But are u game enough or resist to change. Use oil like "Flow" to help..

Luck is extreme, 70% of people will have good luck and 30% will have obstacles, important to carry 六合 animal.

Avoid rock climbing, height, water jumping.


Use essential oil like Fresh Morning on wrist to overcome obstacles.

Important to have 福在眼前 coin to activate commanding star and overcome obstacles.

 Take some Grapefruit when feeling very down.

Acupressure point: Massage stomach with Ginger Lily oil and peppermint. dilute  with rice bran oil. Belly button massage is the key for ur health and emotion and luck in 2018.

Affirmations: At this moment, enormous wealth and power are available to me. I choose to feel worthy and deserving.

Oil Blend: FLow oil (launching in Jan 2018)

Luck: Mixture of fortune, think twice when dealing with any matters. But consider very good luck compare to many animal signs and congratulates u can enjoy ur fruit in 2018.

Changes takes place fast. Tiger born in 1962 and 1974 will get rewards in career and students born in 1986 and 1974 can expect good academic results.

Good luck and hard work will give substantial gains. Think twice before changing job, tolerance even when few opportunities to develop potentials.


Money Luck: Good. Be careful of overspending.

With careful judgement financial loss can be prevented and do not be arrogant. Attending funeral or visiting the sick can affect luck and health. 

Better money luck during summer.

Health: Watch out for stress and insomnia. Easily inattentive and moody.

May get toothache and problem with digestive system.

Romance: True love is yet to come and chances to meet someone special is slim. Married couples be wary of third party especially those born in 1962.

Benefactor: Ox


Auspicious Stars: San Tai (三台)

Inauspicious Stars: Guan Fu (官符), Wu Gui (五鬼), Fei Fu (飞符),Zhi Bei (指背)

 Have a lot of Gui ren luck, carry Gui Ren bag to enhance luck.  Also because ur luck is good  do carry  or put in office fu zai yan qian to  notify ur system to be out of negativity

Because of unlucky star Wu Gui (五鬼)and Tun Yan (吞咽), and Zhi Bei (指背) there will be more xiao ren to create small issues.

Take care of stomach and large intestine

A lot to handle at work. But all will give u regconitions.

Easily tired and sleep affected. Try taking some B and C complex 3 times a week.


Talk less and careful when send out email.

Be careful with whatever you do.

Do not be guarantor for borrowing money.

Avoid alcohol, have Bao Zi Wan for stomach issues.

Use Cedarwood, lavender and peppermint for sleep issues.

Use foot patch twice a week for better sleep and health.


Acupressure point: Ran Gu Xue (He谷穴)

Affirmations: Every day in every way I am attracting more and more good luck into my life.

Everything I do brings me good success.

Oil Blend: Flow and Affirmation Oil


Lap Chun 2018 Beginning of the YEAR early

Lap Chun means arrival of Tai Sui and Spring of the Year. In 2018 it arrives before CNY 4th Feb 2018 and CNY is later of Feb. So you can perform some act to have the extra luck. Some oldies say is a year of tough luck. But for me is a year good luck come early if u know how to do small procedure

I am quite surprise now is only Dec some place pray Tai Sui le. Errr too early ok. The Tai Sui only arrived 4th Feb 2018. So dont rush, u have whole year to pray.

As uncle me no time to take pic etc so will be all words in this article.  For me 4th Feb is early welcome abundance to house so is even better. Aiya the banking money one really is a Joke dont do it:> Is like LPPL la. So I suggest 4th Feb 2018, like what we did, we go donate money to Medicine.

4th Feb 2018 dont forget the flying star also arrive this day. I worry more on illness star arrival to North of ur house. So infact this day morning u can start put ur 6D coin hulu behind main door knob. Also check where is North of house put some metal decor or a flwer of life 5d coin 3m hook. remember this coin that use for flying star 2,5 cannot reuse for future year.  Than slowly dont rush to put ur omhealth Fensghui Items.

The day before 4th feb any day. Buy some flowers put at home ok:>

2018 is call a year that has no "SPRING". So this is a year growth will not be easy. But with Our simple remedies we can make it grow.
Arrival: 4th Feb 2018. Although Chinese New Year is 16th Feb 2018. The actual Dog arrive before CHinese New year. So we call no Spring year.

Summarise for students 4th Feb 2018
U may think why alot items to do, but very little le:.

1) Burn the Auspicious Herbal Incense super heng, burn ba:> Use awaken oil to wipe floor or inhale or shower
2) Fu Zai Yan Qian COin hold it and if got go temple go over the incense and say good things.
3) Drink the tea i suggest below and eat a spring roll
4) Those with my new dragon tortise touch it la:> Heng one
5) Do good deeds.

Fu Zai Yan Qian or Flower Coin Power:

U can touch either one  coin today. Also when go temple, go over incense 3 times. For other religion friends u can touch the Fu Zai Yan Qian Coin and than drink a cup of

open Luck Tea:

Rose bud 3 and chrysanthemum 3 and one red dates (for one person)
Put in a mug boiling water steep for 5mins with a lid. Dont open the lid.

Now hold ur coin, after 5 mins open the lid and let the first steam envelop u and than say : Good energy for 2018 absorb to my aura now
Words to say when holding Fu Zai Yan Qian or flower coin (old students all have flower coin is useful for this day)

A good start is important. I suggest just support omhealth can the new Fu Zai Yan Qian COin

All Heng Ball Holder. U can wipe ur heng ball gently with tissue . Put 5 drops drops of dragonfly oil in a cup of water, and than from it, wet a small cloth and wipe heng ball, rest can wipe table.

Auto Brighten Heng Ball Day:

Every year Lap Chun , Omhealth will light a BIG 3 days candle for heng ball users. So all heng ball shine and shine. 

Well wipe your heng ball with a piece of tissue with a drop dragonfly oil.

It means lapchun rainbow sun comes to house. It helps to dissove seven kind of unhappiness in life. Reduce negative Qi from entering the house.

Heng Ball crystal cut was made with highest energy. U can adopt once a year. Is so beautiful to look at.  U can email order le $68 each.

Visit http://bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.sg/2013/12/pure-swaroski-fengshui-revealed.html
 for details.

Parents and Lap Chun

Buy apples for them and big good one:>

When a person have issue with Mother: Is consider having issue with Money and finances.

And issue with Dad, is consider will have issue in relaitionshop in life. So repair ur relationships with parents.

If they not around, chant mantra and dedicate to them. Is also a good day to pray to ancestor if u have time. If not do a online charity to any Hospital and look in the sky, say dedicate to parents health or ancestor.

Below point when press with Awaken Oil a drop represent clearing of past negative debris that is stored in body. So u dont carry the old energy to the next year. Beside using for LapChun, u can use for anytime, u want to move on and activate this acupressure point.

Lap chun,What you can do? 4th Feb 2018 (optional)

1) Put 5 drops of dragonfly oil in warm water let parents
wash feet.

Filial Symbolise: This not only helps parents to reduce illness and also help u to have better money luck.

2) Buy some supplements or organic fruits or any health food and give to any elderly or parents. In fact all who have the 6D hulu u can put it at your door knob behind today.

This act, will reduce the effect of stars of illness from affecting parents health.

Also u can put 6 red apple in ur living room best for a day with flower of life 5 d coin. means from 4th feb put till 5th feb. than the 5 d coin put in a bowl of 8 $1 coin and leave in living room. Apple can keep and eat la:>

3) Press this acupressure point and say , a good Dog year for me and everyone. Press 6 second and release and 6 second and release. Do 6 times.

Oil to use a drop is of course our AWAKEN Oil Blend

Aromatherapy for House

Do scent ur house awhile today.


Quick Remedies for online business and those doing business

For 2018 those animal doing business or sales we may face slightly more challenge than others especially if you are
Dog, Dragon, Rat, Rabbit, Tiger, Ox and rooster (so carry Fu Zai Yan Qian can help alot ).

All others to carry the Fu Zai Yan Qian but u all if can stick to laptop best. Also if can find a brass Calculus on ur lap top (if u are online business) even better.

For 2018, that compare to 2017  which has 2 wealth star in bazi , 2018 has zero. So economy will be tough. Luckily is a Earth Double earth dog with rabbit Liu He appearing. And we have the Gui ren and Tian De star to help us, so for many animal sign , u will face obstacles first but result is good only if u determined (gosh, it seems like all fsm saying, if u determined.... I mean halo, everything determine of course good la, but 2018 super tricky, u want to determine sometime also tired, thats why omhealth oil of ur own animal sign u must use more ok, if u lack of determination and very sian in 2018 quickly do Bryan relax blend oil power bath)

To avoid doing alot of things and result u travel more route to success. Is suggested we have our Liu He (those who have last year, continue to use, u just sometime go temple go over incense 3 times can le to reactivate the Gui ren). I tell u this Zu sa Liu He can be use forever. The below beads may wear and tear but as long as the 2 animal still together ok le:>

Economy is not easy but I always find there are remedies for all. And specifically this year i do recommend all to

1) Put a new 5D coin flower of life in Rice urn after or on 4th feb 2018
2) 6D hulu put behind main door knob
3) Watch for door matt color
4) Center of house or living room anywhere, put a bowl of 8 $1 coin and if inside have 1988 one coin best, and also put flower of life 5d coin
5) Kitchen must repair if anything spoilt and fridge is wealth, so if can use rosemary lemon and eucalyptus in a small pail water wipe inside fridge and clean the fridge.


Heng Product List to Use explain in details:> (Extract of past articles)

无禁忌/八仙 开运牌  ( a 2017 design but forever use)

 a coin forever to keep. (more to write ) And we decide to make one at $28 as the economy is, ok , u happy can le:>

U can order by orders@omhealth.com with name, address and mobile. Payment need to be made once confirmed.

Is launched together with the DING Oil which u can read the properties at http://bryanomhealth.blogspot.sg/2016/11/launch-my-11th-blend.html


Ur creativity. U can hang at door side . U can carry when go weird places. Or when u feel down u can rub the words and say the poems below.
U can wear as pendant daily if u want. Or wear on auspicious day where u will meet alot people. U can put in wallet.

Rem this is designed call Bai Wu Jin Ji... U can carry to anywhere.....

This year omhealth decide to use a tradition material for this coin. Material used will be more expensive as we using Brass and more difficult to make. And also i want to maintain the natural tarnish green when aged and can be polished. But first I ensure spray gold paint in it to ensure nice nice for u.

This will tarnish but not rusty and it will become a aged coin when u carry long.

Below is the blue print design by me and drawn by omhealth designer. And exclusive from omhealth only.

U can see the words have a FAN shape there.. Yes to amplify the words when u say it:>

Story behing each omhealth coin?

omhealth has few important coins. Each coin has a deep meaning:
1) FLOWER (base on ancient design and few hundred years history design but make it smaller coin to bring in new energy and lock ur wealth (every year many hang this coin with flowers at home)
2) BBC(design by Bryan ) coin to balance bazi element and improve health and for open work day use rub and remind us to be compassion
3) Now.... see below. (super design by Bryan)


Coin is motivated by the Chinese word


Why i choose the word bai wu jin Ji: This is because the word remind us if u are not a bad person, there will have protection from angel and if ur mind is mindful and positive , u will be like a SUN and no negative can get near. (this is dedicate the teaching from a master to me which has move on, a great master that taught me that)
The coin is to clear "Pan Dan". U see we meet different kind of people everyday. Some people positive some people negative... And some people suay suay like to say negative things in auspicious day or hour.

Example, sometimes u heng heng wan good luck that morning and go temple, but on the way some one " Tsk u, tsk There" or the temple people very rude.... So it affect ur mood.... But we forget this are external but we are affected.
on CNY first day... by right very lucky, but ur child naughty u scold or ur relative come ur house but some misunderstanding and TSk Tsk. Or u break a cup..... Thanu think whole year no good.

BUT with Bai wu jin ji coin u rub and say


Ang Mo Motivational energy of Bai Wu Jin Ji

a) My mind is filled with positive thoughts that nourish and heal my life and i am protected
b) I am blessed in many ways and I bless all that I have
c) Thorugh my connection with Infinite Wisdom all becomes possible

八仙 法宝

To me it represent our ability with inner wisdom and connection with ur inner wisdom and all become possible

Look at the  FAN. We use electric gold color to it. Although it may tarnish with time but it become this look. And very nice:>

  1. Fish drum: Sound of healing and knowing the future with wisdom
  2. Sword: Remove fear and negativity with courage and positive
  3. Flute: Sound of peace and growth and nourishment health
  4. Lotus : Mindfulness compassion awareness and cultivate our personality
  5. Hulu: Helping the world  , help beings and five merits accumulation
  6. Fan: Fan is to fan and be awaken and alive again
  7. jade square sound (make sound with 2 piece jade: Purify the environment
  8. Flower Basket: Assess to all treasure with wisdom and divine energy to overcome issues.

When i was in my secondary school. A rediffusion or radio they have fengshui master sponsored programed. And one of the fengshui item is so famous in the 1980s and a simple coin cost $50 that time and is called JinWei Fengshui Kai Yun Pai.

Of course i got one that time for myself ahahhahah using my piggy bank. That period of time is the most challneging in my life. Tons of loards of obstacles to handle and one after another bad news appear and I dont know how I have gone thru it. And infact the coin i got it is to buy a hope.
When a person face alot of issues... sometimes u may think gosh when is this going to end. But few years later.... u will appreciate the life challenge that make u a stronger person.

Everytime when i see TV drama, life experiences make u stronger... I think only people with UPs and Downs can come to terms with that sentence.
People are born with different spoon in life.

Some born with gold spoon, some stainless steel spoon, some plastic spoon.
Gold spoon ur this life is to enjoy life one (but if u over enjoy and forget to give back to world .... u will regret). Many rich people live day by day but when they reach older age they use all their money to keep young but they fear old age and fear of death bevause when young too happy le... They fear lost of wealth....
Well for those born with gold spoon, step out and help the poor, gloom and support young businessman and motivate people .
But so far those Gold spoon i know... rich la, brain simple and cant take challenge. Errr but exceptional one.

Some born with Stanless steel spoon
Stainless steel spoon is most of us..... We are tough and wont get rust.... We have the chance to go thru life challenges that gold spoon dont have... but we are not like plastic spoon that so jia lat. We have the chance to think positive, do good, feel how gold and plastic spoon feel and have a chance to improve ourselves. Stainless steel can sail thru life with fearlessness as gold or plastic is in the 2 extreme.

But stainless steel people may always fall into negativity if dont watch out and become disharmony.

Some born with plastic spoon
Plastic spoon is 3 meals not full. And i want to say Singaporean , u are never a plastic spoon. But may be plastic spoon mindset.

NB: Each coin for first 100 a small amount, omhealth will donate rice and neccesity to elderly, we will also light lamp in temple for brightness)


SuperCareer and Study

文 昌and官位 (career and Study advancement wisdom sector) for 2018 (Using simple Green (lime green or deep green or antique green) and Clear heng ball)

Career and Studies are really part of our life in Singapore. But are we giving ourselves and our children too much pressure. Forgetting we sometimes dont " NEED" so much and we work until  we have forgotten the importance of self development and also being compassion.
Happiness is about giving and sharing and living a life of peace and harmony. I believe if u study hard and work hard the Wen Cang Star auto will activate to in u. But u need to accompany with good heart.

Wen Cang and Guan lu Star formular is:  Work Hard + Wisdom + Compassionate hard and never be jealous of other success.  
Academically well doesnt guaranteed success. But a good character development ensure ultimate sucess and survivor. I suggest those who have kids, develop on their character early. Example, if u have a few plates of dishes cooked and one of them is their favourites and u tell them they can have the meal first. Do they finish all and didnt leave a piece for u.... (than u have to worry). U know our time which is ur time , those born in 60s and 70s 80s, the energy is we always about putting ourselves first but when now the star planet changes, the new generation is of different style. So working with fengshui and simple aroma remedies we hope to wake up their ideas.

Many experience when go for reading Bazi from any fengshui master, they will read ur family head Bazi or urs and calculate where ur house study area or career advancement area. And many times it will end up being an area that u cant event put a table for study.

Tell u the truth this is a very old school reading. Because in old fengshui house, is always a landed property. And is not really applicabale for modern house. Give u one example in acient time, we cant really have sofa with the back facing windows. The fengshui master (old type) will say it create Siao ren and bad for health. But modern house is ok. Because in ancient time the windows are wooden with paper related material (u see those kung fu show) so wind will enter. Wa lao now ur window is metal la:>

Above is an example that shows the impractical of ancient calculation of Wen Cang sector. This familly wencang sector bedroom instead study room. U want ur son go to ur bedroom study ma (so is totally no practical).

Today I am sharing two important sector for every house. According to ur date of birth there is a fix procedure to find out where is our study and career sector but if it really not match ur house design. We can work with yearly flying star fengshui which is call the Star 4 and Sta 6 much practical for us.

Star 4  (2018 S)is a wood element star and named after someone who is full of Wisdom which take care of official ranks, promotions, and marriage of family ad also handle Tao hua. For 2018 it is located at South as it flies around yearly. So easiest way is to put either blue or clear or Green heng ball. If just nice u have a  table there, u can put the redwood dragontortise.

Is easiest to handle because when year change u just move the heng ball around.
What is heng ball, refer to www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com on heng ball under the label.

Star  6 (2018 SW) deals with promotion and scholars is located at SW of house. It is good for good study result and career power and also wanting to change to good career. The sector allow urself and children to meet good people and also be calm and happy.  U can put a Yellow heng ball or clear.

4 pencil above I have a green color wooden pencil. U need to have one green one , the other can be brown.

For those who have study desk and office desk and like to activate the table wencang star, no need see direction just activate the Wen cang Energy can le
For those house u have a study desk: To activate ur Study Desk Wencang (any location), u can put oil to activate the wencang star:
1) Awaken Oil Blend Rub the table and sometimes when they study can put cotton put on table (the scent will last 10 mins so dont worry) this oil boost immune system too.
2) Buy 4 wooden pencil, rub this oil and put on a holder.
3) Optional :if u can put a dragontortise.

For newbies u can order ur heng ball which was famous since 2014 http://www.omhealth.com/shopping_cart/miscellaneous.htm
Also omhealth blog is www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com

NB: Bryan Lao Shi niam u:

I always say Bazi Fengsui , ur Bazi is fixed and even u find 5 Fengshui master to read, it depends how they interpret and convey the message to u. And do u know if u are a person who do alot charity and practice compassion or prayers, ur bazi will change and many times after u reach 40 years old it doesnt really matters. What it matters is your way of life. If u are in doubt read more on omhealth www.omhealth.com/kwanyinma.htm (but is religion content la). For other religion friends, just take bazi reading as a pinch of salt, ask for ur element and lucky color.  No one can predict how ur future will turn out. Omhealth has many World famous Fengshui Master friends in Singapore KL and Australia. Now most of them retire. Their advice is be courageous and positive. Use chinese simple remedies to handle unlucky star. Thats what omhealth has been trying to do for past 20 years.